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t1_japxa8r wrote

Welcome to the Prompt! All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments.


>* No AI-generated reponses 🤖 >* Stories 100 words+. Poems 30+ but include "[Poem]" >* Responses don't have to fulfill every detail >* [RF] and [SP] for stricter titles >* Be civil in any feedback and follow the rules

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t1_jaqg21u wrote

I may not have time to do this one, but Columbo's a perfect match for this. Disarming, relentless, not too bound by ettiquite... and they never gave him a first name, with even the name on his ID being wrong.

Lots of fun in the idea.


t1_jaqjd2v wrote

Don't have time to do a whole thing either BUT, sample of Columbia mind games and bluntness light would probably be desperately thinking up a way to play off at this point in the story:

"Anyway, what all doesn't add up to me is how this guy or, well or gal I suppose seeing how that all...yeah, but besides that, how they got Johnny's name. We did everything to hide it, like mine, once we figured out names were involved at all. And I been thinking about it, and light, don't mind me for asking, but what was with you that day? You kept glancing over at him all weird. If I was jumpin' to conclusions I'd say...well, I ain't jumpin' to conclusions. Sorry kid, this all's got me real on edge, you know? Paranoid, that's it. Just looking a little too close into how people act. Could be one of us, for all we know, that's the part that wigs me out."


t1_japz5yx wrote

I didn't know I needed this


t1_jaq0w2z wrote


t1_jaqm5iy wrote

I love this video because I know Columbo fans, and I know anime fans, but I don't know a single person who would understand all the necessary context to enjoy it.


t1_jarq7vg wrote

I’m in the center of the Venn diagram, the video is delightful.


t1_jaugwfl wrote

I am neither but this makes me want to watch both


t1_jav57o7 wrote

Columbo is a detective show that started in the 60s or 70s. It's kind of unique in that it's almost more from the murderers perspective. The first thing you see is the murder, which usually involved an elaborate plan to fake an alibi or hide evidence or frame someone else.

Despite their careful planning Colombo would always notice one little thing they missed and figure out who the killer is immediately. Then he would basically annoy them into slipping up. The criminal would become increasingly frustrated that this seemingly idiotic detective kept closing in on him. Colombo's signature move was letting the criminal thing they had tricked him with their explanation and leave. Then immediately pop back in saying "just one more thing" and ask them something that opened another hole in their story.

Death note is an anime about a highschool genius that finds a notebook owned by a "shinegami", a sort of Japanese grim reaper. He can kill anyone by writing their name in notebook. He becomes a vigilante and interpol hires a detective to catch him. Most of the show is a cat and mouse game between the two of them.

To kill someone with the deathnote you need to know their real name. It was a running joke that Colombo never said his first name during the whole series. Only people that have touched the death notes can see shinegami. This is the person Colombo is referring to at the end.


t1_jar8apo wrote

something tells me this video is the exact reason OP made this prompt


t1_jas11qc wrote

I wondered if this was inspired by the "Who could catch Light and how long would it take" post a few days ago.