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ImaginedDialogue t1_jedn3p1 wrote

"And what is this ... thing? This thing this putrid worm is demanding?"

I sighed. I had already answered this exact question perhaps a dozen times. I really needed sleep. My normal bedtime was 2 hours ago - in real world terms. From the perspective of me and this god, it had been 17 sleepless weeks.

Nonetheless. A job is a job.

"Answer me, mortal!"

The God of mischief waved a hand at the computer monitor before him.

"He wants some computer code that will crack his dad's password."

"You slug! What is a 'password'? Is it a secret name? An enchantment? A curse?"

"Something like a secret name, yes."

"And why does this excretion-drenched soil demand the secret name of his father?"

I explained - again, yet again - what kinds of things a password typically protects. As I spoke, the god's eyes - again, yet again - lit up, boredom giving way to interest, and interest sliding into enthusiasm and excitement.

"Then yes, oh yes, surely this is the very fulfillment of my glorious purpose? To grant such supplications as this would wreak truly, truly divine chaos throughout the length and breadth of Midgard!"


The god was furious. Again, yet again. He raved, ranted, wrathfully roared the revenge he'd wreak on my mortal being.

"Technically not mortal, but go on"

Eventually, he calmed down. Again, yet again. His anger seemed to have subsided quicker this time. Dare I hope that he was finally getting the point?

"No. Stick to the script I taught you. Stick to the plan. Trust me, no greater chaos can come than from this."

"Explain, worm." There was no energy in the insult this time. Again, I found myself thinking that perhaps we soon would be finished, I'd take his payment and finally, oh, finally, get to bed.

So I explained. Again. Yet again. And yet again, Loki understood.

"I see," he said, his former outward enthusiasm had returned as a deeper, richer, inward lightness of being. The smile on his face was truly genuine.

"Type the words."

The god turned to key keyboard in front of him, and typed.

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