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[deleted] t1_jdwybwg wrote

(On mobile, please forgive format)

I stare at the young orc, about my height and nowhere near his mother’s impressive build. I tilt my head back at her and smile happily.

“I would be happy to have an apprentice. My daughter was just telling me that I needed some help around the farm. My back isn’t what it used to be.”

Haratha nodded at my words, her face as solemn as it could get. “I remember from last year. You taught me well, but I want to make sure Vatnir gets an education from a master.”

“Oh, that is overstating my skills.” I say, waving my hand. I try not to dwell on it, but the wrinkly, sun-kissed skin is beginning to give away my age as well.

I stare at the young orc and nod. “I hope you don’t take offense, young man, but my rooms have beds that are too small for you. So, we have some options. I can convert one of the stalls in the barn for ya. Or we can have your first task being help me build a bed for you for your room here in the house. What day you?”

Vatnir looked up at his mother who nodded. Vatnir turned back to stare at me. “Barn please. Close to the sheep. I can help protect from there. Heard a dragon moved nearby. It would hurt the sheep.”

Ah, yes. That.

“Deal.” I say, holding out my hand and giving the young orc a small smile.


Cerparis OP t1_jdx2zdd wrote

Lovely, quick and jovial, the old man clearly has no issue dealing with orcs. I love the causal “ah, yes, That” when referring to a literal dragon. The format really doesn’t take away from the story at all