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SirPiecemaker t1_jcmxspi wrote

In truth, cutting through the alleyway was perhaps not the smartest choice, but I was pressed for time; something that wasn't helped by the man who blocked my path with a knife in his hand.

"Wallet. Now," he barked.

I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose. "Don't," I replied simply.

"You think I'm joking, lady?" the man yelled back almost instantly. "You think I won't gut you like a fish? Give me your wallet now or-"

His words were cut short by a loud, somewhat moist thud that echoed through the alley. The would-be mugger barely had enough time to react before he found himself laying on the ground, looking up at the tall man with fiery red eyes standing beside me, wielding a two-handed hammer that matched his already impressive frame.

It was then he finally registered the pain in his leg. He looked down and saw the bloody pulp where his knee once was.

"O- oh," he muttered before passing out from shock. I looked over at the man standing beside me.

"Thank you, Lord Hephaestus," I said politely. He only grumbled back.

"No respect for craftsmen, I say," he said, clearly dissatisfied. "Are you well?" he asked me.

"With you watching over me, always, Lord Hephaestus," I smiled.

"Good. The prototype medical brace need some tuning, but is otherwise impressive. Keep it up," he nodded simply. I bowed my head respectfully and by the time I looked back up, he was gone, leaving behind only a fiery imprint of his shoes in the pavement.

I looked back at the mugger laying on the floor and reached for my phone to dial the ambulance. As I busied myself, a small ember left behind by Hephaestus slowly descended onto my shoulder and dissipated almost instantly, yet... the second it did, my eyes narrowed at the man's mangled knee.

"Of course," I whispered to myself. I perfect idea flashed through my head - a way to improve the medical brace I was designing, adding strength while removing weight with just a couple of simple adjustments. It seemed so obvious! Why didn't I-

I noticed the tiny speck of ash on my shoulder and chuckled. It put my mind at ease; I no longer felt bad for not thinking of the improvement earlier.

One can't beat divine inspiration from the God of Craftsmen, after all.


[deleted] t1_jconhld wrote

It was supposed to be a silly one-time tradition. Something I did on my wedding day to appease my grandmother, who insisted I burn some wedding food as an offering. It was SUPPOSED to be a tiny moment between a woman who was clearly losing her mind and her grandson on his wedding day, a tiny act he did to appease her.

In retrospect, it was that, but that tiny moment clearly meant everything.

I didn't notice it at first, but my new wife suddenly started to be more attentive to my needs. She would ask me questions about how my day was, and suddenly at night, she developed this sweet habit of playing with my hair. I remember once when we were dating I mentioned it, that I wondered what it felt like. To have your hair played with as you fall asleep. And she suddenly just... did it and hasn't stopped. It's become part of our routine.

That's not to say I haven't been reciprocating. I kind of have a theory that's why this situation has escalated, but I'm getting to that. I started bringing her flowers when she messages that she's been having a rough day with her kindergartners, or surprising her with a night out dancing. I cleaned the house and even suggested a cooking class together to have some fun. We don't talk about the Butterscotch Incident or else we dissolve into laughter. When we learned she was pregnant, I started rubbing her feet nightly as we talked about our days and she would still play with my hair as we went to sleep.

Three years and four months after my wedding day, I was mugged. I was on my way home, desperate to get there and help my wife with our sick son, and despite every instinct screaming at me not to cut through this one part of the city, I had to. My family needed me.

The barrel of a gun, the angry and desperate voice demanding my wallet, and the wild look in that kid's eyes as I raised my hands and tried to talk him down. He screamed and made to attack me - and then there was the golden light. Just filling every sense, consuming me.

I only have a vague recollection from there, but it was enough. A tall woman standing over the young man, robes curled around her royally, and the faintest outline of peacock feathers behind her, like an emblem of power. She spoke, but I couldn't hear her over the ringing in my ears, but my attacker sure did. He scrambled to his feet, and sprinted away, leaving the gun behind.

I remember her huffing and then helping me to my feet, still dazed. She brushed away grime from the alley, even licking her thumb and wiping off a spot on my cheek. I suddenly felt like I was eight again, and my mother was helping me up after I skinned my knee falling from a bike. Safe and assured, surrounded by warmth and unconditional love. I could only stare but try as I might, I couldn't make out her face for the halo of light hid her eyes from me. The woman smiled lovingly at me, pat my head tenderly, and suddenly I was home. Clear-headed and with a shopping bag with some baby formula that I didn't remember buying. No trace of the mugging on my clothes.

During Christmas dinner a few months later, I managed to pull my grandmother aside and ask her. I hadn't told my wife yet, I felt like I couldn't. But when I finished telling her, I asked her what she thought. My grandmother smiled and simply declared, "Alexander, you are a faithful and devoted husband. You gave a sacrifice on your wedding day to the defender of men. Of course, the Queen would protect you, my boy."

I didn't have time to ask her what she meant because I heard my wife calling for help with the baby. I wish I had asked more because my grandmother died not two months later. Books and research could only go so far. But from then on, I gave silent thanks to the Queen whenever I could. When my son took his first steps, I thought I saw her there next to my wife, smiling with pride. When my wife was in a car accident but somehow walked away unscathed, I burned some more food for the Queen in our fireplace, apologizing for the lack of ceremony but pouring my gratitude into my prayer. When my wife and I would argue but still find ways to make up and communicate, I sent her a silent prayer of thanks as I held my wife in my arms. When I disowned my sister for adultery, I begged her to help me to never stray.

I am remembering all of this because it has been fifty-one years since then. My son has grown and is married. Jason and his husband are wonderful and adopted a little girl. She would be finishing college soon, I think. On his wedding day, I instructed him to make an offering and said nothing else. But I felt it. The Queen was happy. Jason would be safe.

My wife has already passed - bless her soul. My own queen.

But now? Fifty-one years since that fateful mugging, I am remembering all of it in detail. Because there is a thunderstorm above, and some punk with a knife just got the better of me. I am bleeding out behind a small store, slumped against the brick, and not sure if the freezing sensation I feel is from the rain or the shock from the blood loss. I know better than to blame the Queen for it, as lightning arcs across the skies. I guess the King got too jealous of my devotion and trust in the Queen.

But it's not her fault.

I should rest now.

I hear arguing, but I can't pay attention. I hear the words 'jealous' and 'tryst' thrown around but it's not my business. Not a mortal's business.

But a final clap of thunder, a roar of frightening rage - and the argument ends. The rain begins to slow.

The clouds are parting now, and I hear footsteps. I see a light. I should rise. I should look at her and smile. I should thank her for my wife and my son, I should ask her to protect my son and his family. I should, but I am just so tired now.

I should rest now.

I hear my wife's voice. She's smiling and calling me to her. Beside her, stands a tall woman, draped in royal robes, and smiling at me from beneath a halo of light that hides her eyes. I swear I see peacock feathers behind her.

She touches my shoulder as my wife takes my hand, and I know. I know my son and his family will be safe. I feel the fierceness of a mother's love surrounding me, as I had felt it since the night in that alley where Hera Alexandros had first saved me.


(I bit of a different take, but this is what I came up with at 4 am on a coffee-fueled spur-of-the-moment choice. Please be gentle, I haven't written properly in years but this prompt jumped at me and I had to scratch the itch, so to speak.)


xbetax275 t1_jcp0xav wrote

I think you did a great job! You told a succient small story that stands by itself(i.e. didn't require the prompt to make sense). I hope you continue to find prompts that speak to you so we can see more of your wonderful work.


ArtieStroke t1_jcqtwkf wrote

This sparks such bittersweet love in me, thank you so much for writing it!


Icy_Wildcat t1_jcnlc6w wrote

Ever have any of those moments where it just feels like life is playing one massive prank on you? Well, apparently I was 'blessed' with the power of a moon goddess for no good reason. Coincidentally, I was getting mugged or robbed at least 10 times a week. I knew the whole cadence about how it all went, and Artemis(yes, the no-man-may-look-upon-me-and-live Artemis) beat their asses. I was getting tired of this, especially with this mugger standing right in front of me.

"Hand over your wallet, phone, and keys before I shoot you in the fucking face!"

"Dude, you know what happened to the others. Take a hint and leave."

The dumbass was obviously loaded, meaning he was just trying to rob me so he could rob me. A complete mistake. And it turns out he knew exactly which goddess decided to watch over me.

"Oh really? What's she going to do, flash her ass at me?"

I heard that ever so familiar chime warning of impending doom for the poor bastard.

"Well, it's started. Ten."

The dumbass looked around, trying to find a source of the chime. He wanted to know what had started, however he saw some silver mist floating above my shoulders that got clearer as a woman's voice rang out.


Unfortunately, this set the dumbass over the edge.

"Zero. Time's up."

He raised his pistol up at me, however I quickly turned the barrel away from my face before wrestling it out of his hands. He pulled out a knife, however by that time I had shot him in the face. He dropped like a stone and I promptly called the police. After a while, the killing was deemed self-defense and I was let go. Soon, I went home, and there she was, waiting for me. And by the looks of it, Artemis was pissed.

"Paris, we need to talk," she sighed.

"What is there to talk about?" I was having none of her BS about being more gentle.

"Why did you do it? You know I'm here to help you."

"Fat load of good that's doing me," I snapped back. "I can defend myself as you so clearly saw!"

"Paris, you shot and killed a man—"

"Just like you would have done to me if I wasn't the one you decided to take care of!" I shouted back at her. I had enough of this. "You would have shot me for refusing to turn into a woman just because I saw you, either as a human or as a deer!"

"Damn it, Paris, I told you not to bring those times up! I was a misandrist dickhead back then, sure, but I've changed!" Now she was angry. Good, I still needed to vent to her.

"Not that much, considering you're just pissed I killed him before you did!"

"Please! Every god and goddess changes! I mean, sure, you had me, but I've improved, and hell, I even found out I'm bi, but take Allah, for instance! He used to be extremely homophobic and hateful of God and both of his religions, but now the man's supporting gay rights all across the globe! He's even helped support charities about getting rid of al-Qaeda, Daesh, the Taliban, Hezbollah, the Houthis, any group terrorizing the Middle East! He got the US to return home from there and has even helped Iran and Iraq lose their religious dictatorships!"

"Then why aren't you helping him?"

"I can't be in two places at once and I swore to help you throughout your life, so you'll have to deal with the fact that you're stuck with me."

I sighed, shaking my head. This was too much for me. I walked off to my room, deciding to take a nap. She peeked her head into my room, knowing that I was just having one of those moments. Thankfully she was much calmer than before.

"I'll wake you when dinner's ready," she gently said to me before closing the door.


Willowrosephoenix t1_jcr5jeb wrote

Surveying the shattered remains of my would be assailant, I sigh.

I’m tired of explaining things to the police. Maybe this time I could just quietly slip away?

If only she weren’t so “showy” and…gratuitous.

I’m not sure how it started. See…I’m autistic and I took a special interest in old religion.

I was particularly fascinated by Ishtar, the first name I knew her by anyway, she’s had many. Inanna was one of the first recorded, to list them…well it would become exhaustive and I’ve been told people get bored.

Maybe why no one heeds my warnings or believes me?

I didn’t ask for a bipolar goddess to take a special interest in my life. But…here I am.

I will say life is never boring, things always work out in the end, but the path there is rarely easy.

Finishing my internal reverie, I hear sirens approaching in the distance. I have no idea how I’m going to explain a charred, nearly dismembered corpse lying on the ground near my feet, my purse still on the ground nearby.


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shinitakunai t1_jcq8pe0 wrote

Parenthesis would make your title a lot easier to understand than e.g.. I had to read it 4 times