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Pope-Francisco t1_jegc0fz wrote

“Did you seriously have to kill the fucking prince to prevent the curse from killing you?!” “Yes! What, do you not want your daughter to live?!” “Of course I do! But it’s a different thing when you kill someone else & it causes a fuckin war between land & sea!” “Well to be fair, he was a creep.” “What?” “And not the normal kind of creep either, he was even creepier than a Pearlfish.” “Oh my god.” “Yeah.” “I can see why you killed him, I’m so sorry you had to go through that.” “Eh, it’s alright, he got what was coming to him. Plus I at least got to live by doing so.” “Alright, I let you off the hook. Just make sure whenever you kill someone you have a good reason.” “Noted.”