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psyducktective t1_jdj72tg wrote

Goog had never met a problem he couldn't punch. Sometimes the problem would go away, and sometimes there would be a new problem. But this generally worked for Goog, as he was one of the best at punching.

When Goog was young and his brother stole his favorite shiny rock, Goog punched and brother let go of rock. When a weird bird once bit Goog, Goog punched and bird tasted good roasted over fire for Goog's lunch. When the chief of the orc tribe told Goog that "violence isn't always the answer", and that Goog was "perpetuating harmful orcish stereotypes" with his actions, Goog punched. This did not go over as well as Goog hoped.

Leaving the tribe was not all bad, Goog wandered and eventually found nice cave. Things in the cave were not friendly, but Goog punched, and things stopped moving. Goog found many shiny rocks in the cave, and other pretty things.

Sitting amongst the various treasures was something very strange. It was a sort of series of boxes connected to each other with strings. The whole contraption hummed with a strange energy. Goog stared in wonder at one of the boxes which seemed to contain a moving painting of colorful tubes which were twisting themselves into spiraling geometric patterns. Goog reached out to the box and-

Goog blinked. He was standing in a very small, square space. In front of him on a table sat the odd device, and next to him was a small, scrawny man rambling a bunch of made-up words to Goog- "Every time I open the word processor it just gets as slow as molasses and I can't do a thing with it until I exit out. But I simply must get that sales report to Brenda by tomorrow, you know what she is like." The little man's hands fidgeted rapidly with a loop of thin, stretchy material.

Goog did not know what Brenda was like, but he was confused. And when Goog was confused he got upset, and when he got upset he did what Goog did best- Goog punched.

It was at this precise moment that the man dropped the rubber band he had been toying with, and bent over to pick it up. Thrown off by his target being suddenly absent, Goog swayed forward, his closed fist landing on the computer's power button.

"Oh, how silly of me. Of course I should have tried turning it off and turning it on again."


mattswritingaccount OP t1_jdj9701 wrote

>When the chief of the orc tribe told Goog that "violence isn't always the answer", and that Goog was "perpetuating harmful orcish stereotypes" with his actions, Goog punched. This did not go over as well as Goog hoped.

HAH! laughed out loud at this bit. :D Good story, always have to try turning it off and on first before calling IT. :D


sybbisan t1_jdl7m7o wrote

This is great! . You quickly built up his character. I want to hear more about Goog.