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QuantisOne OP t1_je4q935 wrote

Oooh, when you put it in a way where humans are not even aware of all this, it takes a very different form, like a Matrix with religious undersides. Really impressed by how you took into account such things as culture, generation mentalities, and changes between realities that would be caused by this separation (was poker never created in the after-1998 reality ?!). Clever cliffhanger ending.


Surinical t1_je4rgax wrote

Thank you, friend. I'm glad the points I was trying to make came across. I like the way you took it with poker better, a subtle hint that this world was different than ours. All I meant was that young people wouldn't know those green transparent poker hats, a thing to add to show the haphazard nature of Marcus's 'research' he did after two redbulls at 2:00 in the morning.

Great prompt by the way, thanks for thinking it up.