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GrunkleStanwhich t1_irn1okd wrote

The door beeped with that familiar ding dong that signaled another customer entering my domain. I recognized the man, Gregory he was called. He had once long ago told me to call him Greg, a sign of cordial behavior that I appreciated, yet declined.

"Hello Gregory. What a nice evening it is, here for Hot Cheeto Puffs or those sour worms you are so fond of?"

He looked up and gave me a half smile, then went back to browsing the aisle. This was unlike Gregory. No, Gregory was warm and full of liquid life. He was not only a welcomed, but an expected part of my nights. I looked over to Darla at the register to my side who failed to return my gaze. She had only been here a year, it took at least three to become so intrinsically linked that we knew the others thoughts.

Me and Jerry had that. I missed Jerry.

"Darla dear. Do you notice something peculiar about Gregory? He has not even glared at the Hot Cheeto Puffs by Frito Lay. "

Darla gave me a look up from her phone that I did not recognize. I deemed myself an expert at reading human emotion, so being unable to do so caught me off guard. Content? Apathy maybe? She replied "Why don't you go check on him then"

A great idea. Maybe Darla was not just a skin linned bag of fluids after all. I flicked back my cape revealing my nametag pinned to a bright green 7-11 shirt. Ishmael, it read, but after working here so long the nametag was only necessary to complete my clever disguise.

I made sure to take plenty of deliberate and clumsy human steps as I approached him, a practice I'd picked up on in my third year working here after a little boy pointed out now quiet my movements were. Gregory looked up upon my approach with wide eyes. The eyes of a man crying out for help no doubt.

He backed up to the drink coolers to which I followed, leaning in close so he knew I cared for him. Proximity in the human world meant kindness, a habit which I was quick to pick up on. He smelled of blue. Of that blue smoke he puffed from that strange little machine he kept on hand.

"Hey Ishmael....can I help you?"

"Shhh Gregory. Tell me what troubles you. I can see it in your eyes, and as a loyal 7-11 employee it is my job to ensure the well being of all my customers."

I could see his tongue wanted to speak, but his brain stopped him. In the argument between voice and mind he instead grew quiet. I looked back to Darla who was staring with a smirk, she gave me a reassuring thumb up.

"You can speak to Ishmael, Gregory. I am here for your troubles." I leaned in closer to prove my loyalty. If he had a stake he could kill me and I'd be none the wiser, but I trusted Gregory.

"It's just... I've been thinking about mortality ya know? I got robbed the other day and, well, what if that was it? What if they had killed me and I'd just died right there on the street."

Ah, mortality. The hardest of human concerns but most prevelant. But that second thing concerned me more. Steal? From Gregory? A loyal customer of the 7-11? Unspeakable.

His eyes seemed to flicker with brilliance and he followed "But! But uhhh well. It has made it hard to come in at night knowing those guys are still out there. Just down that road. That road right there, just hanging out on the corner of Sutton and Third. And the police won't do anything."

"Ah, say no more sweet Gregory." I pulled back away and placed a hand on his shoulder. He felt so warm that it nearly burned me. "Take your Puffed Cheetos and go. It is on me tonight."

Then with a flick of my cape I made my way to the door out. Darla still stared to me with a smirk on her face. In the window I stared backwards to Gregory, who seemed more at ease as he grabbed his snack of choice. I called out to my loyal, yet often apathetic companion, "Darla. Do you mind manning the registers? I am going on break. Oh, and remind me to get a new umbrella. You know how the moonlight hurts my skin."

As I walked out into that dark and warm night I felt at home, displaying my squared nametag with pride. And as I did I knew: I am Ishmael, loyal 7-11 employee of fifty-four years, valued member of my community for even longer, and a vampire who cares dearly for his customers.


daIliance t1_irnlck6 wrote

He wears a cape during work? Haha


TyBoneSteak t1_iro9ga0 wrote

I would love to hear of the daily shenanigans of Ishmael. Kinda like the Tales of the Gas Station series lol


happybunnyntx t1_irpcpdu wrote

I love the added detail of moonlight hurting his skin. It is just reflected sunlight after all.


shadowylurking t1_irplq04 wrote

>Ah, mortality. The hardest of human concerns but most prevelant. But that second thing concerned me more. Steal? From Gregory? A loyal customer of the 7-11? Unspeakable.

Amazing. Didn't expect to snort laugh that hard


YellowBoilerSuit t1_irpuk16 wrote

Great story! I like that he draws a line for repeat customers….it’s kinda like he is a vigilante based solely on customer loyalty lol


rabidbadger6 t1_irpp2td wrote

I really enjoyed reading this, and found myself grinning more and more the further I read. :)


GrunkleStanwhich t1_irsgqox wrote

Thank ya! Writing with a little more comedy/goofiness in mind is something I've been working on so I'm glad it was enjoyed