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ARatHoldingAPencil t1_iu6ljzn wrote

Because of your wit and knowledge, you've become a very wise and prosperous king. Your subjects are loyal to you and you provide benefits for your workers. The oracle in front of you now is one such worker. You cannot help but to think how you have housed her and fed her when no one was willing to pay for her services, and now she comes to you with a prophecy.

"Your son," she says, wearily glancing at the young man, "He is the chosen one, meant to travel to the far land, past the closest town, and return a wealthy man. If he does not, your kingdom will surely fall."

You lean forward to peer down at her, eyes hardened towards her face as she sinks into whimpers.

She doesn't want to bring this news to you, but felt it was her duty. She tells you the god Maralius came to her while she was by the river last night. She confides in you that the God demanded her only tell your son, but she felt you must know as well.

Maralius was a cruel trickster, but has always been kind to your people. In your reign he hasn't bothered you or your kingdom. You glance at your son, "Joseph?"

"Yes, father?" Joseph replies. He is by no means scrawny. He's a fairly average boy with shaggy hair that looks like yours did, bright eyes that love to peruse the court, and freckles speckled strongly across his cheeks and collar.

"You won't be going." His face fell slightly at your dismissal, and you returned your attention to the Oracle, who was still on her knees looking at you, "As for you. I want you to see Maralius and tell him I will send as many trained people as he wants and as many soldiers as he may need but by no means will anyone younger than official be anywhere but my fertile ground."

The oracle did not respond to you, instead slowly rising and slinking off to, no doubt, tell the few people who would speak to her how horrible you had treated her. Some people just aren't very grateful.