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Free-Appearance-2001 t1_iu012k2 wrote

I take the down elevator to a basement where I store memories through age 7. I rarely explore this level of my mind palace. Doors carved with sigils depicting memories line either side of a narrow hall. Fog rolls over thin carpet intricately designed with zigzagging dichromatic whimsy. Occasional knobs sport discreet “do not disturb” signs.

I turn the corner, my foot halts midair and I backpedal pressing my back against a door carved with spoked bike wheels.

Siren alarm bells activate, “Intruder alert… Intruder alert.. Intru-“ emergency protocol morphs the lighting into alternating reds. My ears muffle the alarm with the thudding from my own heart.

Panic freezes my body when a small figure emerges from the busted doorframe. “Hellu there lass” it says. “I didna mean to disturb you!” My eyes are as wide as they’ll go.

Its a fawn, slender hooves pick its way around the debris. “We’ll be on our way in a jiffy, there’s a good lass.” I noticed it held Snowflake, my old teddy bear in the crook of its arm.

It raised the other arm turning their back on me and pointed a limp finger at the door frame, tracing a rectangle. The wood righted itself, splinters rewinding into place. Just like that, they were gone. Cautiously I approach, looking for the carving. Blank?! What did they take? I open the door to a solid wall. I slam it shut and look for another breach.

I pick up speed finding more and more blank fake doors. How long Has this been happening? What could they have taken?? Why!? The siren ends, lighting returns to normal. Calmness seeps through me.

What was I upset about? Just now… hmmm. Oh yeah, I was thinking about my niece's fish. I wanted to explore the aquarium I went to when I was 4. Huh funny how easily I get side tracked! I find the door with bubbles, fish and shark carvings. I smile, open the memory to step inside and close the door behind me.