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On-Which-Difficulty t1_iuh9xaw wrote

True hate

“Only True hate?” The princess asked baffled

“Yes” the witch answered in her blasé monotone voice and turned to take her leave

“True hate alone and pure will lift your curse…” She began to say the curse anew as she walks slowly towards the exit.

“Wait!” The princess shouted making the witch halt with a loud thumb of her heels.

“Why hate?” The witch, if insulted by the sudden request, did not show it. She just stopped and let the princess continue.

“I mean isn’t it usually true love? In all of the stories and such.”

“Oh usually these stories make the children’s books darling. You know the cute little curses that can only be broken with true love or friendship or whatnot. With something positive and pure. Did you ever wonder why an evil witch or wizard would place such a curse?” The witches tone changed from malicious banality to a teacher’s passion.

“No… I… I never thought of it that way.” The princess always thought herself to be bright and smart. Her teachers all agreed, possibly influenced by the fact they could not really fail her in any of the classes, but still she did better than most. This time though her smooth 15 years old forehead was wrinkled with a grimace of concentration. If anything she was to learn more about her curse.

“Though I know that hate is easier than love. There are many who envy my position others who loath me for my blood. There are people who hate my family. Frankly I hate quite a few in my father’s court already.”

“Indeed. You have lot’s of hate around you. But is it true and alone? Or is it mixed with other things? Like envy, greed, ego? Is it directed at you or from you to another? Or is it directed to your family, position, blood? True hate darling is personal, it can not be motivated by anything else other than itself. And it often starts as… love.”


“Yes indeed. Why would I curse you to practically become an immortal until a nice pretty prince passes by and gets all swoony with you? That is not an evil witch curse it is a good witch blessing. People just get them mixed up.”

The princess though about it for a bit.

“So who do you hate?”


“Then who do you hate the most?”

“My mother.”

“That’s harsh.” The princess said not realising her judgmental tone.

“Harsh?” the witch replied seating on the recliner. “Interesting word though I would suggest you work on your tone. You don’t want to anger an old witch darling. I am told it is what ends up getting you cursed.”

“I just don’t understand. If your curse is true then I should be free. Because I already hate you!”

“Oh do you? An old hag you never met before? Surely you are upset disappointed even. So many people failed you in order for this to happen. Your guards sleeping soundly out this door, your First Lady who is also about to fall asleep next to the lover she is not supposed to have. More than anyone your father who swore an oath to protect and love you and your mother but left for his wars three years ago. I bet if my heart failed me and I died right here you would feel sorry for me. This is not true hate.”

“And what is true hate then?”

“I thought I told you it is what comes after true love. When it’s power wares out and the world becomes duller for it. When you look beyond them and you see the monster that lays beneath. When you turn the mirror to yourself and find your own monster laying there in wait, powerful, patient, trust worthy and absolutely vile. When your good graces have gone for so long that you welcome the embrace of that monster and stand beside it as the world burns. That is true hate.” And with that the witch stood up again.

“So will I find true love?” She said with tears in her eyes.

“I am no oracle but the chances are good.”

“And I will loose it?”

“Most do.”

“And then I will be free of the curse?”

“And far more powerful for it.”

“Like you?”


The princess’s voice turned angry.

“Then I will come and find you! And… And…” Her fists grew so tight she felt her fingernail in her palm.

“Oh you will! You can not imagine how many things we will do together!” The witch said in a whisper before she disappeared.


On-Which-Difficulty t1_iuha56k wrote

Hey I hope this one is not too long. I went with a recruitment plan instead of a punishment of sorts. Hope you like it!