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WK_Adams t1_it98vn8 wrote

For five years, it continued like this. God had blessed us with a perfect measure of rain, and as we boys grew stronger, it became easier to tend to the fields during growing season, and so our mother and father would allow me to continue my work at the monastery during the twilight hours.

Whereas my body grew during those five years, Johann’s growth seemed to be concentrated in his mind. He always had crazy ideas which he would tell me during the hours we spent using the press.

“What if the smith could make the type?” He asked me one day. I looked at him as though he had gone mad.

“The smith? He makes horseshoes and swords! How the devil will he make small letters?” I said.

“Watch your tongue, Otto!” Johann scolded, “If the prior hears you speaking that way, we will both be beaten with the switch.”

“I can withstand that old levereter’s weak slaps,” I said, imagining how joyous it would be to turn the switch onto the old man myself.

Johann opened his mouth to speak, but seemed to think better of what he had planned to say. With a shake of his head, he returned to his explanation.

“If the letters could be carved into a cast, like the ones the smiths use to make swords, then when the steel is poured into the cast, it will make type that is better than our wooden blocks,” Johann explained. His disapproval of our work was painful; I could feel an uncontrollable fury rising in my throat.

“What is wrong with our letters?” I screamed.

“They…” Johann struggled to speak, “They split! They crumble!”

“Everything breaks, Johann! Only God is perfect-”


I breathed heavily, fists clenched. I had to turn away from him, I could not believe my friend could be so calloused.

Calloused. I had words to say the things I felt now. I felt pride, and though I knew it was a sin, I let it linger. No longer was I trapped in the dark hole that was ignorance.

“Otto…” Johann said calmly. I had forgotten what we were arguing about.

“What?” I asked.

“Are you ill?”


The rage felt like a haze. The sun was rising within my heart, and the haze thinned out as the light took over.

I had hurt my brother.

“Forgive me, Johann. I…forgive me,” I said.

For the first time I could remember in years, I left the monastery before the sun completely faded. I needed to go home, so I would not sin in the house of the Lord.


My education on the Bible itself began that winter, but it was a cause of great frustration to me.

The friars had taught me to read, and Johann taught me to read well. The word of God, however, was confusing. It wasn't the words and the chapters themselves which perplexed me; those were abundantly clear to me, and thanks to our printing press, not sullied by the Satan-cursed wretches who had not the faith to safeguard themselves against the spells of some hidden hags around a cauldron in the woods.

No, what vexed my soul was what I saw in the words, the deeds, and the hearts of the other holy servants.

“Thou shalt not steal,” The Lord had commanded, and yet infirmarer Ludwig would regularly pinch coins from the patients in the apothecary.

“Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor,” Almighty God had ordained, but there was no one who did not deny their very real sins to the roundsman.

“Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife,” Was the clear command, but I could see the lecherous look in the eyes of the abbot whenever he lay his eyes on my mother.

“Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” It was the first, the greatest of his commands. Everyone, in both the monastery and the world outside, had committed this sin more often than they had confessed. I had committed this sin…and many others.

Oh Lord, forgive me, I cried. How could I have succumbed to the devil’s allure?

My soul ached. Damnation surely rested upon us. The Son had said that there would be those he would deny that called to him, “Lord, Lord,” but would not receive salvation on that day of reckoning. Had not the apostles and the Lord himself struck dead those who withheld what was due?


Part 3 below...


WK_Adams t1_it99coj wrote

In the winter of our 17th year, Johann was called to the see in Bonn. He had become an extraordinary man. He would be a bishop, perhaps even a cardinal one day. He was generous, wise, kind, all of the things the Lord had called his servants to be.

And, I realized, I had loved him. I had wanted him, in a way that a man should have wanted a wife.

“Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate…shall inherit the kingdom of God.”

My love for him was real. I knew it was real. Everything else was becoming as turgid as the mud in the streets of the town square after it had been trodden over by carriage: a stinking morass of dirt, fetid water, and all the waste that the townsfolk simply threw into the street. But Johann? He had stayed faithful. When he sinned, he confessed. When he took the punishments due for his transgressions, he thanked the old hypocrites for their part in helping him walk the path of the Son.

Those decrepit, shriveled serpents. They were not worthy to lay a hand on him. Oh, that they had turned the switch on me. I deserved those lashes, not Johann.

No. He had been a man. It would have been wrong to deny him his righteousness.

My nights had grown sleepless. My heart was a sty of loneliness and grief. The last good man had left the monastery, and all that was left was corrupting sin and its practitioners…and I was one of them.

“God rewards those who persevere,” My father repeated to me. I had confided to him my grief for my beloved’s departure, though I had not revealed how deep the ghost of him haunted me.

“How do I persevere, when there will be no end to the pain?” I asked one night, having grown angry and anguished at his thoughtless words.

“God never promised that your trials would end,” My father said, smiling like he was offering the words of Solomon, “You honor him by remaining grateful for his blessings.”

“I don’t want to go back,” I said. All I could think about was the press, the wicked old men, and the one I loved that would never be there again.

“You have been given a gift, Otto. Your wisdom and your piety are beyond your years. You will bring many to the Lord one day; you have been called to it!”

I sighed.

“Honor thy father and mother, for this is the first command with a promise.”

He was right. Saint Paul was right. I would fulfill my duty to the Lord.

That night, I ran my hands through the dirt of the field. It was soft and rich; the oxen had turned it this very day, and it would soon accept seed. I let the ground coat my hands, let them become the image of what I was, what we all were. Then I took my waterskin, pouring the contents over my filthy, sweaty hands, washing them clean.


One of the boys set the metal type into the tray, while the other prepared the ink surface. They would soon spread the word of God, make it ready for more of the Lord’s faithful to receive.

That was good. That was how it should be. They would grow to be fine servants of the Lord, and would receive his salvation on the day of judgment.

I would ensure it.

The axe was still buried in the stump at the base of the hill. It was rusting, and the handle was beginning to splinter and rot, but its edge was still razor sharp. Though it was old, and growing more fragile with each passing year, it too was still faithful. I hefted the familiar tool and took a deep breath.


The terror in the lecherous old abbot’s eyes was right, it was deserved.

“My brethren, be not many masters, knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation,” I said, hands trembling.

The axe gave no resistance when I pulled it from his cleaved head.



Peter_Palmer_ t1_it9ghdy wrote

This story was not at all what I expected, but it was sweet and sad and very, very well-written. Amazing job!


WK_Adams t1_it9z074 wrote

My only worry here is that it might look like I'm drawing a connection between homosexuality, lead poisoning, and murder. Hope it doesn't come across that way; definitely not my intention.


Peter_Palmer_ t1_itb2i8s wrote

Oh, frankly I hadn't even noticed the lead poisoning, but that does explain a lot!

For me it didn't come across that way. I'd probably never even consider that connection since homosexuality just exists and isn't a "disease" or whatever. But I guess that maybe misguided people might make that connection.


Painting_Agency t1_itactr3 wrote

Intense! And I can tell you did the research 👏. It was a great read ty