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Avalon_88 t1_itpyq9z wrote

"You're 18 now so you have a right to know. You weren't born, you're the first human made with nanobots. In fact, you are made of nanobots." "So what? I can turn into a cloud of tiny robots?" "Umm... No."


ChloeWrites OP t1_itq7rgv wrote

"Then what cool abilities do I have?" Jason sat on the couch, sighing with disappointment.

"Well... Nothing in particular... But, sweetie, you'll never fall ill with human disease! That's why you've never been sick a day in your life! You're also the smartest being on the planet... Because nanobots and being connected to the web at all times... So there's at least that." His mom finished speaking. "Though, if an EMP were to hit, you would suffer from those. Temporary shut down and you would be vulnerable then."

"Such a drag. I guess it's cool to never have to worry about falling prey to disease, famine, or human death. I may be able to do something about the aforementioned EMP issue, though" Jason smiled, standing up and heading for the door.

"Wait, Jason. You do have one ability-ish. Being able to mimic the appearance of any living being, down to its DNA and RNA." Mr. Quinton had folded his newspaper in half to look up at his son.

"Thanks, dad. That'll be important for my upcoming plans." Jason smirked, placing his right hand on the doorknob.

Mrs. Quinton giggled after taking a sip of whisky. "And what plans are those, son?"

"World domination and the eradication of the human race."

There was an awkward silence between the three of them.

Mr. Quinton was the first to laugh, followed by Jason and Mrs. Quinton.

"Have a good day, son!" His parents said in unison.

Jason closed the door behind him, taking in everything around him. "Fools..."