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Andrew_42 t1_iu69cyg wrote

Alastor huddled by the cubicle walls to recover, sword still gripped in his white knuckled hand. His other hand still shaking fumbled for a flask at his side, a fresh tonic of Mountain's Dew to replenish his energy. The Board of Directors lay in wait through the final dungeon door.

A pack of interns driven by a whip wielding middle manager pushed past Alastor's hiding spot, giving him a moment of fright before realizing they had not noticed him.

Spirits restored, Alastor strode to the dual chrome doors at the end of the hall. He ran his blade along the metal, but no scratch was left, these were Mithril and brute force would not avail. Instead he pulled out his Key of Passing, an Enchanted rectangle that had been imbued with the authority of Upper Management by Davis, the Hackromancer who had called for his help.

With a wave over the Detection Web, the polished chrome doors chimed and slid open, revealing a small room inside. It was no ordinary room however. He stepped inside, and with a stomach churning lurch it slipped onto a nearby plane of reality. He had entered the realm of Upper Management.

Another chime as the doors opened to a palatial estate, a bubbling brook to the side filled with Coffium. Alastor stopped to refill his flask, this was a more potent restorative than the Mountain's Dew had been. In fact he downed his flask of Coffium and filled it again. The liquid burned as it rushed into his system, and his hand began to shake once more. It did not shake from fatigue this time, but rather from poorly contained energy. He felt alive!

With a kick of his enchanted Oxfords, Alastor crashed into the Crossroads of Board, where seven directors each holding a Scepter of their office stood in a circle. They had heard him coming, and were attempting to summon The Chairman.

Sword in white knuckle grip sliced through the air as Alastor charged in a Fury, but the blade was turned aside by a Ward. The Director of HR turned towards him. "Your action of violence has triggered my trap card!" She said, turning a magical document face up, "By the power of Assault and Battery I bind you to jail!"

This was no contest of brute force, but of wills, of wits, and of preparation. "I invoke due process" he shouted back, the incantation of delay. "And I file for employee endangerment!"

He pulled a document out of his leather satchel, "By the authority of the seven circles of OSHA, I condemn your authority! May the blood of your fallen interns bind you instead!"

A Djinn of Judgement appeared as he filed his claim, and the Director of HR's authority was undone, dragged to the very jail she had intended to condemn him.

The Director of Maintenance now turned to face him, a towering 7 foot Ogre. "Pity" he said in a deep gravelly voice "That your authority is only recognized by WiFi"

The lights dimmed as power was directed elsewhere at his command. Alastor felt cut off, his magical protections no longer in place without connection to the Magical World Web. His protections began to fade with no power.

As the Ogre stepped forward, wielding his Scepter of office like a club, Alastor remembered a source of power he still had. By pouring some Coffium onto his equipment, energy was temporarily restored. The Ogre howled in rage, but was not fast enough as Alastor's sword pierced through his flesh.

The lights flickered back on as power returned. At his iron gaze, the Director of Accounting broke and fled, as did the Director of Sales. With only three remaining the circle was broken, and Alastor clove through the remaining Directors with a mighty sweep of his Blade of Server.

Directors scattered, he turned towards the Accounting door. On the other side he saw vast wealth. Billions of Gold Coins alongside property deeds, and a library of patents. He checked his log, and made sure to retrieve seven patents for the Kingdom's needs, as well as the deed to his Father's Homestead that had been reclaimed by a Default brigand.

Once he had those items secured, he filled up his satchel with as much gold as it could carry, and returned home a hero.


_i_am_a_dragon_ OP t1_iu6gnkz wrote

This is exactly what I was thinking of. And the coffium has me thinking of a berserker named Kylimus that drinks a fury potion called "monstrum"