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throwawayfromme_baby t1_isif1xw wrote

“Stop! Leave him alone!”

“That’s not your dad, little girl—“

“I know!”

“—Wait, huh?”

“Ugh, move!”

The girl rushed past the two, giant men. She kneeled on the ground, and furiously tore through her side bag. The fallen man groaned— very much alive, very, very much in pain.

“Shit, shit, shit, it should be here, somewhere— stay with me, Azzi! Azzi!”


“Uh, Dean? You seeing this?” Sam whispered to his brother.

“Don’t move. You’ve done enough already.” The young woman glared at the taller man. Her words came out only slightly less feral than a growl. “Ah! Got it!”

Triumphant, she lifted her hand into the air— a small, green vial in her grasp.

“You’re gonna be just fine, Azzi. Heads up, though— this is going to hurt.”


“That’s what we like to hear.” The teen chuckled, tears in her eyes. Her smile was paper thin. She uncorked the vial and, with shaking hands, began to apply the contents.


“I know, I know, it was a holy blade, of course it was going to fuck you up—“


“Honestly, the fuck were you thinking?! Going up against the Winchester Brothers?! You dumbass demon!”

Vial emptied, the teen slumped down. Crumpled, actually. She’d run out of energy hours ago, and had been running on pure, fear-induced adrenaline since.

“I thought I was going to lose you.” Her voice was so tiny, Dean struggled to hear it. “Never scare me like that again.”

Confident her guardian was not, in fact, about to die after all, the teen turned to the other two men in the room.

“Lilith—“ Sam tried to start.

“Stop. Just, stop.” The teen lifted a hand. Face scrunched up, eyes closed, her entire body vibrating with tension, Lilith took a deep breath.

“I will explain everything.”


xadria t1_isjf9ld wrote

Love this! I'd love to read more if you end up writing more


Hminney t1_iskotyh wrote

This! Quick response to the suggestion, and beautifully written. 'paper thin smile' - that got me


Hminney t1_iskowk7 wrote

This! Quick response to the suggestion, and beautifully written. 'paper thin smile' - that got me