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myvstz t1_ixbv1zd wrote

"Cycle 168 has just concluded," a scientist announce out loud, "results of analyzation shows 94% similarity with that of the last cycle."

" it is a loop," Antoine mumbles, "is the suspect from last time still there?"

"Yes sir," the researcher confirms.

Antoine then reaches for his earpiece and speaks into it, "he's there, find him and apprehend him."

It has been confirmed that there is always a figure that would be there for the final showdown every single time. It can't be the hero's bestfriend as he's always right there with him nor can it be his love interest since she's always in the hospital, so, who else could it be? This might be the key to solving this never ending cycle, which is why scientists have colluded with mercenaries to help them capture this figure.

Normally they'd ask for help from the military, but as records suggest, they're too loud and seeing military vehicles on the site will capture attention. Mercenaries on the other hand doesn't catch as much.

A few hours later, the hired mercenaries returned with the suspect. The leader pushes the suspect to the ground and leaves after receiving payment.

"Well, seems like we finally have you in custody," Antoine approaches the figure, "are you going to say something?"

The suspect stays silent.

"Seems like we'll have to deal with you another day," Antoine clicks his tongue, "take him to confinement, we'll see what information we can extract from him tomorrow."

The suspect stayed quiet the next day as well, and the next, and the next, not even the torture methods work on him. He seems to be keen on keeping his mouth shut.

"Just speak up already, it'll be easier for all of us," Antoine tries to reason after an entire week of not being able to extract information.

"It'll be easier for me, not you," the suspect finally speaks.

"How so?" Antoine asks.

"Unfortunately, I am unable to answer that."

After that, he goes back to being silent. Giving up, Antoine finally contacts a friend he knows that has never failed to extract information from anyone, even the most stubborn of people. Thankfully, she was available for the week and immediately flies to the lab and gets interrogating.

"Hm....give me 2 days of complete silence and seclusion, I'll be able to get something out," she says after looking through the records Antoine and his team has collected in the past week.

Thankfully, two days later she did come back out with a lot of intel, one no one else could've gotten.

"He says he's the 'Keeper of Stories' or some sort. His job is to make sure each story is retold perfectly to keep the legend going. He also told me to not try and stop this loop as there will always be a way for him to keep it flowing."

"What if we kill him?" Antoine asks.

"Then a new one will be appointed, that's how it always is," the friend shrugs, "oh and he wants to talk to you."

After seeing his friend off, Antoine went into the confinement room to privately speak with the keeper.

"Finding me is your biggest mistake," is the first thing the keeper says once the door to the room has been shut, "you scientists have gotten more and more arrogant."

Antoine looks at the keeper, confused by his words. As scientists, it's his job to find out the secrets of this world and understand it, in his point of view, there's nothing wrong with wanting to know as to why the same cycle has been repeating throughout the century.

"Elaborate," Antoine demands, grabbing a chair and sitting down.

The keeper sighs, "Well, since the damage has been done, might as well go through with it."

"Long ago, when the first cycle of this story began, the hero and the keeper are friends, good friends. The hero is a brave daredevil while the keeper is wise and a genius. The keeper guided the hero to his final goal and once reached, a book appeared before him. This book has strange markings on them."


"I've never seen a book with such exquisite..." the keeper thought to himself.

"[] come on! You're going to miss the celebration!" the hero called out to his dear friend.

"I'll be there! Just give me a moment," the keeper calls out.

Out of curiosity, the keeper opens the book and a blinding light engulfs the room and he got transported.


"Legend has it that he was never heard from again, of course, that is to the general point of view. To some of us who are chosen, this cycle repeats over, and over again. A new keeper will be chosen once the last hero finish their story to make sure it will repeat without fail."

"I still don't understand why it's our biggest mistake," Antoine leans on his chair.

"The story does not end there...."


"If anyone were to find out about you and those who will come after, everything will be reset back to zero, and the world that shall be built will be nothing but the stuff of imagination," a voice says.

"What does that mean?" the keeper asks.

"It means your existence has to be kept a secret, and it will be your duty to choose your predecessor. [ ]"


"Wait wait, then what?" Antoine asks with urgency.

"I'm afraid that's only something the original keeper knows," the keeper stops and looks at the clock, "it seems like our time is up. Good bye, seeker of truths."


A loud, ear splitting bang came from the keeper and everything turned white.


The cycle will repeat itself, over and over again until the end of time, it just happens to have ended in this timeline.