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Kurai_Tora t1_iycedft wrote

The adventurer guild was going through a conundrum. Some of the more generous donations followed subjugation of dangerous creatures, the remodel of the main headquarters was funded by a wyvern swarm last month. But now, the high-profile targets were vanishing at an unprecedented rate!

Sure, sometimes a dragon in the area would get there before them, but they usually got the carcass to fake the achievement. "Sand Dragons are a pest..." Atticus was determined to discover who was getting on their way, the guild had a reputation to uphold and donations to earn.

"Hmm, I will issue an alert, we have to investigate this sabotage."


Angorod grinned while petting his rooster mount, today they would feast on Basilisk! The snake body flicked a tongue and the bird tail got antsy for the hunt. He drank a potion and tied a blindfold. "Let's go, Tweety!" He drew his spear and spurred his ride. -Ba-cawk!-

He trusted Tweety with his life, counting the seconds until the rooster reaches the basilisk. His grip on the the staff was adjusted, the monster had powerful scales, so he had to aim for the gap, and the closest one was the eyes. "I'll have to miss out on one eyeball..."

Skewered balls were delicious with pink salt, so he would savor the remaining eye. A tap on the shoulder was the signal, he got ready to impale his prey. When Tweety crowed, Angorod jumped off and aimed his weapon.

He left the poison sacs and the riskier organs for his ride while dismantling the carcass to put away in his storage. Yum, offal with spice, roast tail with sauce, fillet with wine, what should he whip up today? "Meat~ Roast it, grill it, put in a stew~"

He could make soup with the bones and barter for ingredients with the hide. The dwarves promised good pay and some recipes if he managed to bring an intact crown comb. He saw Tweety's hungry look and quickly carved out the part. How dangerous.


Guierre led his team into the basilisk territory, wary of ambushes. It was an important source of alchemical components, and too expensive to buy from breeders. "Strange, we set up fireworks and left bait, but it isn't reacting..." Had it already migrated?

The adventurer party found an orc and a cockatrice feeding on the dead basilisk. The warrior got furious and dashed at the culprit, sword on hand ready to fight. He got parried with a bone staff. "Easy there, I'm not an enemy." The orc knew their language?

Angorod pulled out a medallion from his satchel, making the leader almost faint at its meaning. "She told me it would keep me safe..." He was a treasured associate of Margot, and the item would alert the witch if the orc died.

Between an angry guild master and a furious sorceress, Guierre would take his chances with the human. "The Apocalypse Hag... How did they meet?" He sighed, no use in chasing after hypotheticals. "Retreat, it's too risky to fight him."


Kurai_Tora t1_iydf04v wrote

Orcs were known for banding together with dangerous creatures like wolf packs. Angorod envied his brother Skagra, his giant bear went well with the berserker, both could wipe a human army by themselves. The second brother, Thresher, had raised a baby mammoth to serve as a moving fortress for the vulnerable tribespeople.

"I want a pet too." And that's how he got Tweety.

How does one tame a cockatrice, you ask? Angorod was lucky that Margot taught him familiar binding, and that Tweety was a newborn when he did so. These ferocious creatures were the bane of many rookies, with a chicken head on front and a snake head behind, they had no blindside.

The snake had potent venom and could apply temporary paralysis with its magic eyes, buffed by the poisoned spurs of the chicken that lengthened the numbness and had hemolytic agents. Plus, inexperienced hunters aimed at the bird, but the snake tail was the true body.

Angorod had used arrows to kill a lone hen and gathered the eggs for later. Tweety had just pipped his egg and evaded becoming omelette. The fluffy chick and teeny snake endeared the orc, despite freezing his body out of instinct for several minutes.

The rooster grew quickly and turned into a fast ride for the orc. Although the gluttonous little shit had gobbled some of his ingredients. Hmm, should he look into taming a water creature, or a true flying beast? Time to plan his next hunts to try and find a baby monster to tame...