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Allibaban t1_iy7y3vh wrote

I rolled close to the leader, Scooter Black. And spat a fat wad onto his face.

“Did you get an anonymous tip for this?”

Instantly, 60 razor & electric scooters began hurdling towards me. But I’d been genuinely unnerved, I wasn’t playing anymore.

“Simon says you don’t know how to ride a scooter, your favorite time to pee is in your bed at 3am, and the other factions of your Scooter brigade are your true enemies.”

My ability, Simon says, is just that. Anything that I say after “Simon Says” will come true. It’s essentially brainwashing. In one sentence I effectively took away their power, humiliated them for the rest of their lives, and started an inter-squad gang war all at once.

I’m not a bad guy, but I found this to be punishment enough. I almost forgot one more thing.

“OH, and you all will forget my ability! I don’t want to be on any higher ranked hero’s radars for this.”

The heroes comically tripped over their scooters all the way back to their base to figure out how to go to war with the other scooter brigades.

My work there was done.

** 2 days later.


Now free from my wheelchair, I hopped up from my couch and went to my front door to open it, must’ve been a package from Amazonian.

“Hey hello thank you for my package, do I have to sign anyth… S-S ranked hero Scooter god? How did you know where I live?”

“You forgot to say Simon says.”