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FearMeImmortals t1_iy22sut wrote

"Hello, Tommy. Remember me?"

"Evelynn..? No, I must be dreaming..."

"No, no, you're awake. You're awake and I have so many things to say to you."

"What? Evelynn, is... is this because I never finished your story? I meant to, I have the entire plot planned out, I just need to wor-"

"You left us to suffer!" Evelynn screams, unsheathing a glinted sword and holding it at her side, knuckles white. "Do you know the pain you put everyone through?! When did you plan to fix your wrongdoings?!"

"Please," I back up, and for every step back I take she takes a step forward, "It's only been a year. I still have plans for you. You know it works out in the end, right? Well, mostly."

"It doesn't matter what you have planned, Tommy," Evelynn's voice shakes as my back finally hits the wall, "You never wrote it down. Do you know the agony of waiting in suspended motion for an entire year? Waiting for something to happen, for something to move?!"

"I'll write. I'll write right now. You just have to understand the stress I've been going through." I force a small smile, "Evelynn. You know-"

"I know you abandoned us!" She suddenly lifts her blade, stopping when the tip touches my neck, "Maybe if you had written your plans down, I would've considered mercy - but without knowing anything for so long, I don't believe you deserve it."

"Just let me tell you what happens." I carefully press as far back against the wall as possible, although that doesn't move the blade away. "Then, after, you can decide to... to do whatever to me. Okay?"

"See, there's one problem with that." Evelynn steps closer until she's inches away from me and her blade is on the side of my neck, "You talk out loud a lot when you're writing. I may not know everything that happens, but... I know you were going to kill me. But, if you die first, then how could you possibly do so?"

"Evelynn, there's a good cause for your death. Take into consideration the rest of the world I've built, without you it would've-"

"It wouldn't of mattered. Whether I died or not, it would've ended up the same. You may be a good writer, Tommy, but you are in no way a good liar."

"Maybe not," I gulp, closing my eyes. After a couple of seconds, I open them again, and Evelynn immediately steps back. "But there's one thing you didn't consider, Ev."

Evelynn steps back, eyes wide as she brings up her sword shakily in a fighting stance. "You can't be..." Her stare is fixated behind me, but I try to pay no mind.

I instead grin, straightening my tie as I step towards her.

"I write from experience."


I know I probably should've made myself more realistic but I just jumped at the chance to make myself the villain lol. Hope you enjoyed, this is my first time responding to a prompt!!

And I swear I AM going to work on the story Evelynn is in, soon!