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ZionBane t1_iy91fb0 wrote

"Crazy ass romans" Felix muttered as he wiped down the table, noticing the perfection in the craftsman ship of the work, everything lined up with precision the likes he had never seen before, even the tables that the Cezar had were not this smooth in their joints. Running his hand over the top of the table, smooth, like running your fingers over water, so supple it could almost not be felt.

Sitting and looking at the table for a moment, not wanting to put a plate or cloth over it, just to admire this work. "I have no idea why they killed this man, from all I knew, he did nothing wrong, but, crazy Romans, they crucifix people for the dumbest things, even theft will get you nailed to a cross, but he was such an honest man, I bet it was that Judas fellow he hung with, never trusted that shifty fellow, he eyes always looking at other people's stuff, bet he stole something, and pinned it on Jesus"

Letting out a sigh "Best table anyone will ever own" he mused outloud again, as he wiped it down, getting it ready for dinner.

"Are you talking to the Table again Felix" his wife called from the other room.

"Maybe" Felix called back as he went to get a table cloth.

Walking in "I get it, it's an amazing table, we are blessed to have gotten it before he died, but, it's still just a table"

"So which of our sons should get it" Felix mused as he put the table cloth over the table.

"None! We are being buried with that Table!" his wife said to him with a evil grin.

"But it's just a table" Felix said back.

"Be that as it may, it is OUR table, and if our sons wanted a table this good they should not have killed the carpenter that made it, so they get nothing!"

"Fair Point" Felix said with a simile and wink at his wife


RivCA t1_iy9g5rg wrote

Armchair biblical scholar here. Liked the story. Funny, but since he's talking to a now five-year-old table, he would have no reason to know who Judas was given that Christ was conducting his ministry for around that amount of time before the Levites had their way with him. Rome was just the tool the priests used.


ZionBane t1_iyahadi wrote

To be fair.. it would at least 5 years old, it could have been 20, as the age of adulthood IIRC was 13, and Jesus was 33, when he died. So that could have been one of his first tables that he build as an adult carpenter.

Also, to be honest, I have no idea when Jesus met Judas, if it was early in the ministry, some of his clients may have seen them together as Jesus traveled around.