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BullfrogFuzzy932 t1_iwhesls wrote

The general before me stood at least twice as tall as I was and was practically a wall of a man. His crimson armor was heavily ornamental, medals most of which I couldn't even decipher the meaning of, some sort of cape and various fine cloths fit for nobility, and some other weird choices.

Even a lower ranked general was a high position to be in, how could he not recognize the very person he claimed to be fighting for? Well, it likely wouldn't be long till High General Astaroth arrived for a surprise inspection considering he loved handling these matters, I tagged along and happened to arrive early. I liked playing an act, so this was going to be fun.

"Right away, sir!" I exclaimed immediately standing firm at attention with a salute. I had spent a lot of time with even lowest ranks of the army, but with all the bureaucratic work and being the years of being the highest authority. Doing this now felt off.

The general frowned his brow and made a guttural growl. "Tch. Thought so you worthless imp. Here's a little reminder for those that don't follow my orders!" He shouted raising up his right arm and smacking me across the face. I had to suppress my since natural instinct to go ethereal and let the hit pass through me. I covered the part of my face that had been hit, and immediately ran to go get a uniform.

That was too harsh, for something so mild. I searched the barracks, armory, even warehouses yet couldn't find the proper uniform, or armor for that matter. Just some rags and twisted pieces of thin metal that I wouldn't even make a pan out of. Even the weapons were of poor quality, they weren't standard issue. A soldier found me rummaging through a warehouse, on a single glance I knew that for some reason they were being forced to wear this...filth.

"Y-Your Majesty..?" The soldier staggered dropping his spear with a loud thump. "I-It's an honor w-why are you...?" He asked, he was visibly nervous even shaking.

"Be at ease, my subject, what is your name?" I asked with a smile. "G-Guidonis...M-Ma'am!" He shouted.

"Guidonis, what is the situation here? Why don't you have any standard issue gear?" I asked

"G-General Malum said the gear hasn't arrived yet! That's all I know I swear!"

That couldn't have been right, supplies did arrive here. At least it was supposed to, nothing indicated there had been an attack on shipment. Even if supplies were scarce, why waste what little you have just to look better?

"So he's been...Ah, Guidonis, I promise to set things right around here. Also please don't tell him who I am." I spoke, holding back my desire to go rip Malum's head clean off his body. General Ruby Red had been selling off supplies, treating the people he was supposed to command horribly, and daring to hurt me.

I went back outside departing from the soldier, I needed a more thorough inspection of this place but I could sense the presence of a friend rapidly approaching the base. Astaroth was arriving.

I reached the main gate just as the carriage arrived, it was a very small force that came with Astaroth. It made transport easier, but it was also because he himself was as strong as a calamity. He always favored his small guard composed of people he trusted unquestionably.

The carriage door opened up, a man entirely covered in dark green armor with the insignia of the now united Demon Kingdoms walked out. Two equally armored figures holding shields walking out behind him. Malum looking around frantically with worry, finally standing at attention and saluting. Soldiers rushing to formation behind the low ranking general.

"Welcome High General Astaroth! It's a pleasure to meet a man of such prestige as yourself!" Malum yelled, his voice full of nothing but praise.

I then stepped out and approached Astaroth. Malum's expression going from pure anger, to sheer terror in one single instant.

"As expected, you arrived here before me, Demon Lord Asmoday." Astaroth bowed.

"Glad you are here, High General Astaroth..." I spoke touching where I had been hit earlier, only a light mark was left.

"I'm sure you've already noticed the current condition of this place, but I also have more to tell you. I already have a punishment in mind for that general."