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hungry_at_2am t1_iv55oa6 wrote

Months later, Viola burst into the room, a flurry of snow trailing from outside, and embraced her boyfriend, exclaiming “Steven, I’m pregnant!”

He jumped up, a finger pressed to his lips. After all these months of secrecy, feigning fights until finally Viola “accepted” that her grandfather was “crazy”, they were sunk in a moment of complacency. Viola turned white, mouthing the words oh no.

The couple rushed to pack their basic necessities, but there was no time. The knocks came, demanding and impatient, as Steven was frantically stuffing underwear into a grocery bag.

The same identical biracial men menaced on the doorstep. “Steven, Viola,” they greeted, icicles hanging off every syllable. “We tried to prevent this. Convinced our employers that you would not activate the nanobots, nor would you procreate. Clearly you cannot be trusted to keep your promises. Viola, you’re coming with us.”

She gasped as one of the men grasped her wrist and dragged her toward the sleek black luxury car waiting at the curb. Steven lingered in shock, but not for long.

“Like hell you’re taking her anywhere!” he roared, grabbing the shotgun Viola had insisted on hiding behind the door frame ever since her discovery. He rushed the men, knocking one over as he fumbled under his suit jacket for the pistol holstered there. The man was too slow.

“Drop it.” Steven commanded. Crossing his eyes to see the shotgun barrel an inch from his face, the man complied. Glancing back to his girlfriend, Steven saw the other man on his knees, hands in the air and a revolver poking the back of his head.

“Alright, here’s what you idiots are going to do.” Viola shouted, trying to conceal the shake in her voice. “Drop the guns. Get in the car. Then get back to your slimy boss and tell him the fun’s over. I’ve figured out how to activate the nanobots, Magic Mirror or no Magic Mirror.”

The men did as they were told and slunk back to the car. Steven didn’t lower the shotgun until he watched them slam the doors and speed away from the crazy, gun-wielding couple.

Viola turned to him. “They’ll be back soon, and these peashooters aren’t going to stop them again.”

“Did you actually find out how to activate the nanobots?”


Steven sighed. “I was afraid of that. Looks like it’s time to pay this Vincent Vega a visit.”


hungry_at_2am t1_iv56dqz wrote

This is the longest reply I've done yet, so I hope some of you made it all the way to the end! It's also the sequel to another reply I made last week.


Spoon____Spoon OP t1_iv5csc2 wrote

Hello! I just wanted to say that the original story was amazing and thank you for expanding it in this prompt. I’m glad it pushed you to write so much. Have a great day stranger!