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Maxwellmonkey t1_iycjoo8 wrote

I have so much to be grateful for in my life. Loving parents. A happy life. Great friends. Enough wealth to live comfortably. A wonderful little village, free of the issues that plague society. My father’s shop grew immensely successful and large enough that the townsfolk rushed to our village for merchandise.

I thought I had it all until I met the love of my life, Alice. She was a thing of beauty whose gentle face enveloped in kindness pierced me immediately. Before I met her, I thought I had loved other women but I learnt that it was all mere infatuation. A love that lived on sand dissolved by the sea.

Admiring her dedication in making armour in her forge, talking about everything under the sky with her, going on wonderful strolls through the forest, I knew I was actually in love. The day we both confessed our love, we danced and danced all through the night.

After months of deliberation and frolicking, we knew that it was right to get married.

It was tradition for the groom to propose to the bride at her house with his family on the day before the marriage. Marching along the road with my parents and relatives, my heart was throbbing with excitement at the last stage before our marriage. After that, Alice and I could build a new house, a new life together! Perhaps, even live at the coast for a few months. I couldn’t wait!

As we stood in front of her house waiting for them, a gentle yet cold breeze stirred up. Shivering a bit, we held ourselves closer.

“Quite unusual for the summer, eh?”, I muttered to no one in particular.

“Indeed so, quite unusual you’re getting married!”, my cousin laughed.

While the others laughed and joked around, my father had a nervous look about his face. His eyes were darting around the place and he started to sweat terribly. I nudged him and asked what was wrong.

“Son”, he said while looking around, “you will always be my son, whatever happens.”

That was a confusing reply. Before I could ask him more, the whole world grew darker suddenly. The cold gust stirred up again shaking the trees and grass. My soon-to-be wife and her family rushed out panicking.

As I was looking around puzzled, I felt a growing chillness around my neck. I held my neck to warm up but it seemed to make it worse. I started to panic and shout and then I saw it appear out of thin air. The ultimate nightmare of every villager, a creature with a face as blinding as the Sun but without its beauty, and a form twisted and bent in every way. A creature stripped of nature and charm. The Devil had appeared on Earth and its claws were fixed around my neck.

After a loud cackle, a booming voice erupted from its mouth.

It cast a malicious look at my father. “I’ve come back, fool. As agreed, your firstborn is mine. He shall enjoy the delights of my empire!”

He started to lift me up now. Even though I struggled and shifted, the iron grip around my neck was stronger than any noose.

“Oh evil one! I beg of you, please free my son from your grip!”, he pleaded.

“An oath is an oath, mortal. You sacrificed your firstborn to me for your ventures 25 years ago, and I have come back at last.”

An oath? Did my father sacrifice me for building our- no, his shop?

The devil had crushed my ability to speak, but I darted an angry look at my father. What was he even thinking then? How could he do that? And why did it have to be today? After all these years, after meeting Alice, before our marriage and life together? I could have gone with the devil as a baby without a clue or a word to protest!

My father’s face grew apologetic now. How I hate him, he has ruined the lives of everyone!

“Evil one, I beseech you, you have made a mistake!”

“A mistake?!”, the devil roared.

“By our oath, I granted you my firstborn. But the one you hold was not born of me! No child on this earth has been born from me, evil one.”

What is happening! I am not my father’s son?!

“Bah, you villainous human and your adopted bastards! Do not think I am done with you!” With another loud yell, he threw me down and vanished, bringing back the sunlight.

Everybody rushed to my side and looked concerned. A tearful Alice held me as I looked to my father.

“Forgive me that you had to hear it from the devil. You are adopted but you will always be my son.”

I smiled, “Only you could make the Devil your messenger, father.”