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ZeraskGuilda t1_ixslvo1 wrote

Transcription of Medic Log and Comms: 002890, RTD 95th Rotation/ Orbit 4.6b. Location: Orbiting 3rd planet from system center, hereafter dubbed "3R". System hereafter dubbed "OGA-246". Discovery Team: Tev, Arrak, Chosik(Field Lead) Medic Team: Kessik(Lead Xenobiologist) Xenolinguist: Resik (Department Lead) Captain Sevex presiding.

CS: "Alright. Talk me through it, your notes indicate that this species apparently found some primitive means of suspended animation, right?"

K: "Correct, Sir. Liquid nitrogen containment. It's very crude, but it seems to have worked, at least for this one. Artifacts recovered by Chosik's team indicate that a high glucose solution was also injected into the circulatory system. This served two purposes. First being to nourish the cells, the second seems to have been a means of... Insulating the cells and preventing lysis from the severe cold. It's... Quite ingenuous, really."

CS: "Any indication of how long the specimen has been in there?“

K: "At best guess, 500,000 full orbits. Resik has been trying to make sense of the readout on the panel. There's a series of 3R orthographics that may indicate how the species measured time. He'll have more for you, I'm certain. "

CS: "He'll be down shortly. I think we'll need his input very very soon."

K: "Soon...? Wait. Wait wait wait wait. Hold on you don't mean we're going to open this thing now?! With all do respect, Sir, have you utterly lost your mind?! We have no idea what will happen, let alone if the atmosphere that we found easily breathable, is in the same conditions as when this species was present. No clue about what diseases either us or them would have that could make a jump. We have a preliminary at best scan of their biology, and a sample of what we think is blood, that is degraded to the point of uselessness. "

CS: -heavy sigh- "Look... This has been classified for some time now, but we have been studying the information on a very crude craft we recovered. Everything pointed us to this planet. This specimen closely resembles some of the images contained within. Their language is still a work in progress to understand, as is the context of the rest of the data on this craft. There is nothing more we can learn until we open that pod and properly study the specimen. Possibly establish communication with them. And possibly engage Protocol 0951. We'll put on filter masks. But there is little to indicate a drastic atmospheric change, as much of the flora and fauna pictured in the craft seem to have changed very little. "

R: "I'm here, Sir! Sorry for the delay, I was going over the materials pulled from one of the repositories on the planet. I think I've got enough to start basic communications. The samples from my latest expedition match those found around the Specimen, with a minor difference that likely won't impede communication. The Discovery Team is coming, I passed them in the corridor."

C: "Going nearly warp 6 there, kid. So! Captain! Is it true? We're opening this thing up?"

CS: "Shortly, yes. Put on filter masks. Figured your team ought to be here for this, it was your work that made it possible, after all... Arrak, seal the doors, please?“

A: "On it, Sir."

CS: "Doctor, are you ready?“

K: "I... I guess, Sir. I must still object, but you're right, we have little choice if any of us will learn anything else."

CS: "Noted, Doctor. Resik, can you read the panel well enough to open this this safely?"

R: "I think so, Sir. It appears to be a fairly straightforward sequence without any particular sec-"

CS: "A yes would have been fine. Go ahead and open it."

-Beeping- -unintelligible-

K: "Subject seems to be regaining consciousness, Sir."

R: "Everyone, please stand back. I'm going to try to establish communication. Greetings, sir or madam. Please do not be alarmed, you are now aboard the research vessel Tuvax. My name is Resik, chief xenolinguist."

Subject: "My fucking head fuck me sideways with a fucking chainsaw why didn't you fucking egg- wait what"

R: "Oh my. I believe this is what was described as 'colourful language' in one of the repositories. Are you alright? My understanding of your language is still limited, please be patient with me"

Subject: "I don't fucking believe it. How this blistering fuck did the British colonize the fuckin aliens. Dammit why is everything so fucking bright in here?! Fuck me. Uh. What was your name again? Riddick? Wasn't there some Sci-Fi flick by that name? Fuck, like, 200 years before I went in... Gah. Right. Lights. Yo, Riddick, can we get a dimmer switch in here or something?"

R: "Oh, this one is very strange. Completely different from the music you sent me, Captain. I think it was Johnny B. Goode? Can we dim the lights to about 50%? Thank you. Is this better? And, my name is Resik. I imagine your time in the chamber has you rather 'scrambled', I believe is the term? May I ask your name?"

Subject: "Wait, Johnny B. Goode?! How the fuck do you know that relic?! Of all the weirdest- oh thank fuck. Yes. Much better. Sorry. Yeah. Shit. My bad. My name's Bria. How the hell am I the one making First Contact, anyways? Aren't you supposed to be talkin' to one of those dickbags in D.C. or some shit?“

R: "Oh... Sir, the subject Bria, has asked how we came to be speaking with them and not a 'dickbag? In some place called 'D.C.'... What should I say?"

CS: "Ignoring whatever a 'Dickbag'-"

-loud laughter-

R: "Bria? Are you well? What have you found to be so humourous?"

B: "Fuck me, it's like accidentally teaching a toddler a new word! Holy. Shit. That's gold. That's incredible! That big Official-Lookin' fucker over there, fuck y'all are tall... I guess he's the head honcho of this whole thing, right? Your boss? Y'all are going back and forth with dickbag! It's hilarious! Fuck if I pee, you're cleaning it up!"

K: "I'll go get a chair. They might need it"

CS: "Well... No other options but the truth... If you know a way to put it gently, do so. "

R: "Very well, Sir. Ah, thank you, Doctor. Right, well, I know there is much yet to learn of your language. As for the nature of how you came to be here... You've been on this vessel for 30 of your planet's rotations. A Field Team, the three to your left, was dispatched to the surface to investigate... The ruins, I'm sorry to say, of a city. So far, I'm afraid you are the only one of your kind we've found alive. If there are other facilities like 'Applied Cryogenics', there is a possibility of more still alive, but as far as we know, you're the only one. Corrosion of the pod's shell indicates you've been suspended for 500,000 of your planet's orbits."

B: "Y... you're fuckin' kidding me. 500,000 orbits... You mean, like, years?! And those three just fuckin traipsed through Chicago... I... Fuck. No. No no nononono. There's no fucking way. There were hundreds of us in that lab... Check again. There's no fucking way. "

R: "I'm sorry, Bria. After Chosik's team made the initial discovery, we sent 30 excavator teams to search the facility thoroughly. It seems that, after the primary power source failed, the pods were running on an internal reserve. We're still unsure why yours hadn't failed. Please, sit. Once we get a Translator Module made, our Captain will answer your questions better than I can.. Captain, the city was called Chicago. Doctor, now that the subject is talking, their language centers should be firing, right? I'm getting out of my depths here."


R: "Bria, please remain calm. I simply informed the Captain of your city's name, and asked the Doctor to run a scan so we can better communicate. That device she's holding is presently reading your brain's language center. Effectively, we will understand your language as you do. The gravity of this situation, both yours and the contact of our people, is not lost on me. We want to learn from you, yes, but also help if we can."

K: "Got it. Uploading data to your implants now. I'm not picking up anything in their scans, so we should be safe."

CS: "Bria, was it? Is this translating correctly?"

B: "So far... So. You're the boss, huh?"

CS: "I am, Captain Sevex of Kihkal Fleet Research Vessel Tuvax, eldest of Clan Hrak. It is my honor and privilege to be speaking with you. I understand that you have had a very difficult first day out of Stasis so far, the news cannot have been easy. I want to assure you, before this goes any further, we will do the best we can to help you to find more.. Huh, your word is 'Humans'? Interesting. Yes, to find more Humans. Or. If you wish it, I am authorized to grant you a place on this Ship and my Crew. It may be an adjustment, either way. All I ask for now, is for your cooperation."

B: "If you think you're sticking anything -

K: "Apart from blood samples, all of our other exams will be done non-invasively. In fact, just from scans running now, I think I have a decent understanding of your biology"

B: "Ok. Warn a bitch before you pull that shit, got it? I'll cooperate and answer your questions, but you gotta ask before you just scan my shit. It's awkward enough being in this fuckin' plug suit, and with the doc who was gonna do my bottom surgery apparently long dead, we're probably gonna spend a lot of time together, so we should set ground rules early. Unless that's gonna be a problem with y'all too, in which case I think I'll take my chances back on earth. Or the airlock..."

CS: "Uh... I'll admit, I'm still parsing the data, so I don't quite understand what you're referring to. But if there is some sort of treatment you require, Doctor Kessik is fully authorized to carry it out. After she's done proper research, of course."



ZeraskGuilda t1_ixslwkj wrote

C: "Perhaps it's a cultural thing, Captain? While my team had been doing the initial sweep, we noticed a lot of things that didn't make immediate sense."

T: "Bria, Hi, sorry, I know we've just been sitting back so far, but this is driving me out of my mind. How did your people handle such aggressive ambush predators?! The ones with the huge ears and those incisors?!"

B: ".... First... Ok, cool. As long as y'all won't be weird about this shit, then we're good to go. Second... Bitch, do you mean bunny rabbits!? Unless you're in agreement with that really old Monty Python stuff, those are definitely not predators. What, did they get huge while I was on ice?!"

A: "Not unless they weren't roughly this big, I don't think..."

-loud laughter-

B: "Oh fuck. Yeah. Alright. I think I'll take you up on that offer, Cap. Now about some food..."

--Log End--