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The5Virtues t1_ixtkgmy wrote

Aww, this isn’t bad at all! This is lovely, especially the way it shows that these two immortals really fell HARD.

He just listened to an other lonely man for a full week, letting him bare his soul, and when he left this Brad spent fifty years searching, while our narrator spent that same time wistfully thinking of that one guy he met half a century ago? That’s incredibly sweet and romantic!

EDIT: Fixed a gender misidentify. Never read short stories while half asleep folks, you’ll miss the obvious!


CuttlefishMonarch t1_ixtpkya wrote

> To many people, I'm just that hot dude on the beach.

Pretty sure the speaker is also a guy, but yeah this was a really great story.


Bozzie0 t1_ixtq0ub wrote

The story is about two men. Just wanted to point that out, because there's no need to change that back to he & she. Great story by the way OP, don't say that you suck at writing romance.


mcherm t1_ixtuwp0 wrote

>The story is about two men.

Where did you get that? I thought the narrator's gender was carefully unspecified.


riverrats2000 t1_ixtwbzk wrote

They probably got it from >To many people, I'm just that hot dude on the beach.


mcherm t1_ixtxg85 wrote

Thanks -- I'd totally missed that!


ursulazsenya t1_ixtwidc wrote

“To many people I’m just that hot dude on the beach”


mcherm t1_ixtxgjc wrote

Thanks -- I'd totally missed that!


The5Virtues t1_ixuh48b wrote

So it is! That’s what I get for reading while half asleep.