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Jacob6er t1_ixuutg0 wrote

The ocean truly is an amazing thing. Every morning and every evening I find myself getting lost in its endless waters. It seems to be the only thing in my life that hasn't changed.

"Are you listening to me Agent Murphy? It is very imperative that you-"

"Pay attention, I know Clark. And stop calling me Agent, I've been retired for ten years. Can you just finish your little assignment already? I do have a resort to run."

"Well lucky for you I am just about done. We just need to go over a brief course on classified materials."

"I have been with this little club since it was still the OSS. Don't you dare try to talk to me about how to keep a secret. If that is all you have, we're done here."

I could tell he was angry as he stormed off, part of me felt bad, the other part didn't care. I was just glad it was over with. I took an elevator down to the lobby. It's pretty empty for the most part, November always seems to be our slow month. Often times I put on a friendly face and greet the guests. But today someone has caught my eye. A face I haven't seen in a very long time, one I shouldn't be seeing now. I figure I may as well act as I always do.

"Good morning sir. Welcome to the Six Palms Resort! I am Sean Murphy and I'm the owner. Would you like some assistance with your bags?"

The look he gave me was filled with all kinds of emotions, joy, sadness, maybe even some regret.

"You're still alive, I thought if anything you would be old. Yet here you are."

"Well sir, why don't we get you to your room? If you have any questions I'd more more than happy to answer them for you there."

Leading him from the lobby, I could feel my heart flutter. It seems he really is who I thought. I don't know what this means, but for the first time in a long time I feel excited about something. We both went into his room and placed his luggage on the bed. I turned to him and before I could say anything, I was wrapped in his arms. I was awash with emotions but in that moment I could only say one thing.

"Sasha, I missed you."

We spent the entire day in that room. The last time I felt this way was 1972, the last time I saw him. That next morning I woke up beside him. He was already awake, looking at me.

"Good morning. Did you sleep well?"

"Sasha, yesterday was amazing. But I think we should talk."

His slight grin dropped and he proceeded to do exactly as I said, talk.

"You are the only person who even understood what I have gone through. That summer in 1972 was the only time I felt I could talk to someone. That is why I never said anything to the KGB, I didn't even report on the Cuban nationals like I was supposed to. I spent so long wandering the world. I took a chance, hoping you really were like me. And now I see that you are, I am tired of roaming. I just want to stay here, with you."

Listening to him talk made me almost break down completely. I had felt the same for so long. This will be complicated, especially when I try to explain this to Clark. But I am willing to take this journey with Sasha. We've been searching our whole lives for something like this. When we met it was impossible, we're were on different sides of a ideological war and regardless, society wouldn't have accepted us back then. But now, everything has worked out for us. I can finally start my life, and I'm so excited.