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Chemist-Mama t1_ixwiyu9 wrote

First time at this, hopefully it's half decent. Here goes nothing.

"Marry me." The words hit me like a bucket of ice water after what had been the arguably one of the most magical nights. That's saying something considering I've been around for almost half a century. I've gained enough experience at this point to have high standards.

"I think maybe the tequila might still be talking or maybe I misheard..."

"No, you heard correctly and I'm completely sober. Marry me." He calmly tells me without breaking eye contact. He was completely serious.

This man must truly be out of his mind. I have had my fair share of crazy, hard not to at my age, but this is certainly the first time I received a marriage proposal within 15 hours of meeting someone. A slurry of thoughts and emotions began to cycle through my mind. Horrified, flattered, slightly creeped out, and frankly a little annoyed that he didn't at least get down on one knee. I may be old, but a little romance would be nice. He may not have had a ring prepared, but if you're going to ask at least put a little effort into the gesture. For a moment I start to dream about what it would be like to vow to spend my life with someone. I immediately squash the idea and bury it deep down in the depths of my heart; "till death do us part" hits differently when only one of you can actually die.

I gingerly get out of bed and begin putting my clothes back on, avoiding eye contact as much as possible. While certainly not my first one night stand, they never seem to get less awkward for me. "Listen, James was it? This has been a hell of a night, but I'm just not looking to settle down at this point in my life. I'm sure you'll meet someone

I can feel the bed shift as he props himself up into a sitting position, leaning against the wooden head board. I can feel his gaze on my back as I begin to put my sandals on. I can practically hear the gears turning as he ponders what I've just said.

"You're not ready to settle down now... does that mean you would be later?" He inquires thoughtfully.

I pause just before opening the door. "Sure, just ask me again in fifty years," I state jokingly over my shoulder, and take a moment to appreciate the view of James O'Connor for the last time. Or, so I thought.

It's just not possible I think to myself as I hide behind a tacky tropical Tiki bar. I steal a quick glance at a man reading a thick novel while lounging in a cabana by the pool. Auburn wavy hair, emerald green eyes, silver framed glasses, and a small white scar poking through the five o-clock shadow on his chin. There was no question in my mind that I was looking at James O'Connor after five decades have passed. He looks just as good as the last time I saw him, I lament while nibbling on my thumb nail. You would think being immortal would be I wouldn't have to worry about metabolism and working out, but you would be wrong. I decide it would be better to ponder this conundrum in a more tactful location like my hotel room and begin to head back to my room.

"Leaving so soon?" I jump a little at the unexpected question. I was so lost in thought I hadn't notice he had left the cabana and snuck up on me.

"James! What a surprise! Me, leave? Oh no, I was just... going back to my room for a minute, I forgot my, uh, phone."

Amused, James smiled slightly while watching me squirm in embarrassment. He was clearly enjoying watching me struggle. He lean down towards me and asked, "You mean the phone that is currently in your left hand?"

I looked down at my iPhone 13 in its full glory, shattered screen and all. He got me on that one. I stared quietly at my feet hoping a hole would open up and swallow me, you'd think at by now I wouldn't be so darn awkward. He gently pinches my chin and tilts my head up until I'm gazing directly in his eyes.

"Why don't we go for a walk? I think we have a lot to talk about. After all, it has been fifty years since we last saw each other, and I do believe you said to ask you again."