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kibou-wen t1_ixgmoym wrote

The crunch of the older man's footsteps into the frigid ice was the only sound in the night. He was dressed in practical clothing, a dark shirt and trousers underneath a heavy hooded black cloak. He wore a toolbelt holding strange instruments and tinctures and a small book tucked into his front shirt pocket. Altogether an odd look.

The apartment he was approaching was the only one for quite a while around, a dark, dilapidated wooden located on a lonely hill in a forest near the edge of town. Took some walking to get to, but he preferred it that way. Quiet. Peaceful. Away from prying eyes.

He slowly approached the front door.


Almost Quiet.

The instant his hand turned the doorknob and opened the door a crack, the sound of rock music shattered the peaceful night air like an iceberg cracking, blaring out into the night. Immediately taken aback, the bearded man quickly looked around, pulled the door open completely, deftly moved inside, and slammed the door shut in a huff of frustration. "ELENA" he bellowed toward the next room. "TURN THIS INFERNAL MUSIC OFF." The room he found himself in was a small living room that doubled as an entryway - a small couch, a television, a vintage jukebox that the old man gazed upon fondly. What he did not gaze upon as fondly was the travesty that was spread all over the room. A layer of rats, bunnies, squirrels, rodents, shriveled and compacted: unrecognizable. Used ramen noodle containers laying on their side, puddles of salty water leaking out. Frozen meal boxes that had been heated up and then discarded after being consumed.

The man's face darkened as his eyes narrowed.

The music continued to play.


Immediately, a form swung down in front of him like a pendulum. Sharp teeth, red eyes, short black hair - Elena. Upside down - An excited expression. "HENRY!" Her face exuded affection, melting Henry's frigid heart for a second - until he glanced at the mess behind her and the tomb of his heart sealed shut again. No - he had to be stern this time. First things first - he went over to the jukebox and turned it off. Merciful silence. Behind him he heard the faintest sound as Elena righted herself, her feet touching the floor almost silently.

"Henry, I did it! I beat the other mail carriers!" she proudly strode over to the couch, digging underneath the refuse and pulling out an envelope as well as a small photo of her underneath a sign - "Carrier of the Month" "Oh congratulations!" Henry took the photo from her and examined it closely. It was Elena in her makeshift mail delivery uniform and hat, taken under the shade of a tree next to a kind-looking old woman holding up an envelope.

Elena ran a small overnight mail delivery service for the town. Though there was an official post office, sometimes delays and funding presented issues in getting crucial (or illicit) deliveries safely and on time to residents, particularly ones who lived far out of the way like Henry and Elena. Thus she decided to stake out her niche to find work. She only took nightly deliveries but didn't complain no matter the distance or the time of night. This was because Elena was a bat.

Or rather, a vampire.

Henry's grave face crinkled into an uncharacteristic smile.

"Elena I'm so proud of you! Congrats!"

She had been working hard to advertise her business, as difficult as it was to advertise during the day. Some of the residents even had bizarre eating habits - she had to make a hasty and apologetic retreat when offered a garlicky dinner once or twice while getting to know some of the town residents.

Henry steeled his heart again. He had to admonish her. Of all the vampires, this was the one he found hardest to deal with.

Elena beamed, retrieving the envelope that was next to the photograph, which was oily with food stains.

Henry wiped the envelope carefully using a nearby overturned tissue box

"Elena, this room is disgusting. You have to clean up around here. You can't let it build up like this."

Elena's face fell. She shifted, looking guilty. "I was in a rush after my deliveries and..I was afraid to go near the windows during the day" she said meekly.

He sighed. "I'll help you clean up this time but I really don't want to see any dead animals in here. And for God's sake turn your music down."

May add more but I'm tired for now.