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Crystal1501 OP t1_j2abarv wrote

Ah, I think I get it now. Some mind control thing where they have people about to die do something useful to prevent the war?


semiloki t1_j2afm8i wrote

Yes, essentially. They have a way (as yet undescribed) where they can project minds into the past. But not physical objects. So, they just take control of people and use their bodies like remote control puppets and use them to influence events.

The way I was thinking about how this would work to avoid paradoxes they are picking people who are about to die so that anything they do will remain a mystery. Why did Jim suddenly jump in a car, drive half way across the country, and sucker punch a teenager sending the kid to the hospital? We'll never know because Jim died a few hours later in a house fire. That sort of thing. People who disappear or do weird stuff just before they die may have had a time traveler hijacking them.


Crystal1501 OP t1_j2agf7f wrote

Right, gotcha. It was entertaining anyway, just got a little lost lol. One more question, the most important one ever, more important, even, than what the meaning of life is...


Why did the tea have to taste horrible? XD


semiloki t1_j2amyaf wrote

Because it's not his body. Things are a little off.


Crystal1501 OP t1_j2aojhe wrote

Ah, so it's not the tea, it's the body. Makes sense!