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Vandercoon t1_j1t4rim wrote

As you walked through the afterlife, you couldn't help but notice how nice everyone seemed to be. Everyone you met was friendly and welcoming, and the atmosphere was peaceful and stress-free. You had always heard that the afterlife was supposed to be a place of rest and relaxation, but you never imagined it could be this nice.

So when you asked your guide what good deed had earned you a spot in heaven, you were shocked to learn that this was actually hell. The guide, a concerned demon, explained that despite its pleasant appearance, hell was actually a place of eternal punishment for those who had lived a sinful life on Earth.

The demon seemed genuinely sorry for the misunderstanding, and offered to help you get acclimated to your new surroundings. Despite the initial shock, you decided to make the best of your situation and explore the afterlife further. You couldn't believe how different it was from the world you had left behind.

As you walked through the streets of hell, you noticed that everyone seemed to be going about their business as usual, enjoying their eternal punishment with a sense of resigned acceptance. You couldn't help but wonder what you had done in your past life to deserve this fate, but you resolved to make the most of your time in the afterlife and make the best of your new circumstances.

As you explored the afterlife, you began to learn more about the different realms and their inhabitants. You discovered that there were many different levels of hell, each one more severe than the last. You also learned that there were other realms beyond hell, including purgatory and heaven.

Despite the initial shock of learning that you were in hell, you began to see the bright side of things. You realized that you had been given a second chance to make things right and atone for your past mistakes. You began to see hell not as a place of punishment, but as an opportunity to learn and grow.

As you made your way through the different levels of hell, you found that each one presented its own challenges and lessons. You learned to be more empathetic and understanding, and you worked to better understand the perspectives of others.

Eventually, after much hard work and growth, you reached the final level of hell. You were greeted by a group of angels, who congratulated you on your journey and told you that you were ready to move on to the next realm.

As you took your first steps into the realm of purgatory, you couldn't help but feel a sense of hope and excitement for the future. You knew that you still had a long way to go, but you were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead and make the most of your second chance.