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ThrowRAjusthere t1_j0tgylf wrote

“Alex, please enter the selection room,” A woman says, sitting outside a room.

The time is finally here! I get to choose my power from the great list! Maybe i’ll get the power of fire, like my mother or the power of reading minds like my father. The possibilities are endless! I get up and enter the small cold room. In the center of the room there was a metal gray table with a piece of paper, and a quill. I hold my breath as I slowly grab the magical quill. As soon as I touched the quill, I could feel such immense power as golden dust surrounded me. I look at the paper ahead of me with a goofy smile as I could see golden text appearing on the paper. The process soon ended as the golden dust disappeared.


This has to be a mistake. Why is there only one option on the paper… I was always taught that there would be thousands to choose. My parents always told me how they could have been shapeshifters or speedsters.

I close my eyes tightly, shaking my head a couple times. I pinched myself, making sure I wasn’t imagining the very few words on the magic paper.

‘Maybe the list is on the back,’ I thought to myself.

I grab the paper, flipping it to see if I missed anything. What kind of cruel joke was this?

I sighed and look at the one option presented to me. I circled the golden text with a quill, sealing my fate.

‘The power to create easy decisions,’ the text read.