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Zyxyx t1_j29d9sj wrote

The tiny oculus stood still for a fraction of a second and then continued scraping along the surface of the board. "Y O U" laying still on the U, the ghost had finished its message.

"Oh you sonova... This isn't a joke you asshat, pay your share of the rent, spirit, or else".

A moment passed and the scraping on the board continued "O R E L S E W H" but before it could finish "you sassy spectre, I'll call ghostblasters to blast yo haunting ass, that's what". It was a bluff, of course, choosing violence wasn't an option, but getting rent was priority enough to warrant hardballing the freeloader. Only hope was that the spooky ghost didn't call the bluff.

As if pondering on the threat, the oculus stood still on the board for a minute, when suddenly the drawer with all the house documents burst open and a single sheet of paper flew next to the ouija board.

The oculus then enlivened and scraped along "L I N E 4 7" before again remaining still, taunting with its mere presence.

The paper was the rent agreement and reading out loud line 47: "of every month, the tenants living in the residence SPOOKSTREET 5 B3 must pay a sum of 669 shillings- Yeah, you've got to pay half, so uh 315". Immediately the oculus continued "R E A D I T A G A I N". Instead going for the immediate retort "No, this is pointless, you give me rent".

"N O" the ghost replied, "I D O N T L I V E H E R E" the oculus continued while the full realization kicked in.

"I A M D E A D Y O U I D I O T".