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t1_izmpfg2 wrote

Totally fair, and honestly it did get away from me. If I’d typed this out all at once, I probably wouldn’t have posted it.

The plot you mentioned is (allegedly) something that happened- it’s the main storyline in High Crimes. However, guide and Sherpa are not interchangeable, and honestly that’s the main reason I started posting- When you’re writing about a different culture, it’s worth knowing some cultural context. And this isn’t just sherpa the job, it’s Sherpa the people, and honestly I get really angry about the cost they pay for other people to climb.

That, and I figured people reading the prompts might want to know more about Everest. Nothing against OP, they seem perfectly lovey. I just wanted to add some context, and it spiraled. Sorry to you as well.


t1_iznahre wrote

Personally I came in with mild interest for a writing prompt and came out educated on the basics of climbing everest and a new understanding of the dangers as well as the Sherpas.

So thank you! All that effort writing was definitely not wasted it was a good read!


t1_izmqbcj wrote

It was an award-winning info dump and I kinda fell in love a little bit. XD


t1_izmqheg wrote

Aw, thank you! I think the other reason it got out of hand is that I haven’t talked to my usual infodump person for like a year and I think it boiled over. (Calling her soon tho!)