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Quincy_Thorne t1_j03w8w1 wrote

It used to be called Project:433-Kent.

These days we just call it Project Rasputin. You would too if you witnessed as much as we all have. The way that Clark Kent survives.

Human cockroach, the Unkillable, Metal Man, Clark Kent. All synonymous.

Like any of us, one eventually knows too much; gets too close. Even if he didn’t work for us, he couldn’t leave well enough alone when it came to Lex Luthor. It’s a shame, really, I would have liked to see that guy finally get what’s coming to him. Even so, you can’t punch up the system without getting put out. Not with how Mr. Luthor owns half the city, at least.

That’s why we all thought it’d be easy. Get in, get rid of the issue, get out. Have the local police turn a blind eye. We didn’t account for Clark to be the goddamn beast he actually is. The man eats bullets for breakfast, I swear to God. Then he gets up, goes to work, and doesn’t notice until lunchtime that there’s a hole in his shirt.

I wish I could tell you what color he bleeds, but we haven’t got that far. Not yet. Maybe he’ll kill us all before we get the chance. Then again it’s like he doesn’t even notice us; he probably thinks we’re annoying at best.

Bullets, poison, bits of metal in his food, all unnoticed and ineffective. Made no progress with explosives. Poisonous gas leak? No dice.

That being said…



kent3334 t1_j05081z wrote

Project 433-Kent? How original. What? Are you surprised? You thought I wouldn't find you? It's a public forum. I don't even have to be a quasi-great journalist to find your rant. By the way I prefer just to be called "earthling" like every other "earthling" prefers. No need for all the name calling. Now I'm not sure why you would post this stuff about me. You must have me confused with someone else. I'm just trying to go about my normal mundane life, and just like everyone else I have good weeks and I have bad weeks. For example, this week has been a little rough on me so I'm a bit on edge. Monday my car blows up, I thank your god I bought that car from the POTUS auction. Tuesday, I'm sitting at the breakfast table reading how the Columbian cartel wars are picking up and find 2 spent bullets in my coffee. Not to mention a hole in my best work shirt while on lunch. I really should quit smoking cigars. Wednesday, I wake up to the smell of rotten eggs, and I'm pretty sure it was the dog, so I literally sent him to the moon doggie day care. Thursday, I blew out my toilet with what felt like shrapnel, now I have to sit on a damn inflatable doughnut! Can't stay off that jalapeno cabbage it's delicious.

So, you see, I'm just your normal run of the mill journalist with either a lot of luck on my side, or no luck at all, I'm not sure yet. And since you asked, I believe I will leave you with one bit of advice... RUN!