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Worried_Picture7665 t1_j25sv0j wrote

I didn't mean for this to happen. Why is this happening? You thought to yourself as you knelt, pushing rubble aside till you found her. You looked at the crumpled body of Love Struck. Her pink skin blemished with cuts and scrapes, and her wings tattered and torn. The occasional grunts and raspy breaths were the only things telling you she was still alive.

Without thinking, you picked up her limp body. Forming a forcefield around the two of you, you made your way through the collapsing buildings. You soon made it to your get-away vehicle, a large cargo plane. As you say one of your henchmen opening the hanger door, you shout, "MEDIC, I NEED A MEDIC!"

When you get to the plane and got Love Struck strapped into a stretcher as one of your henchmen tries to disinfect the bulk of her injuries. As you sat down, you finally let yourself 'look' at her and her condition. You cringe at how 'wrong' she looks, her breathing ragged and uneven, her legs bent at odd angles.

How did this happen?! You thought to yourself. It had been an ordinary day, you had a few hostages and a bomb you were never planning to use, but it went off anyway. The building started to come down around you as you threw up a shield to save yourself from the debris. And now you were here with Love Struck lying unconscious as you flew to your hideout.
When you landed, you rushed Love Struck to the medical wing, the pink-skinned heroine groaning with the motions. You got one of your best scientists to work on her injuries. Her wings would never truly heal, but they did what they could to stabilize her breathing and straighten and cast her legs.

It wasn't long before she awoke. As you looked through the glass in her room/cell you saw a shell of the hero you knew. You saw someone that didn't understand why they were restrained to a hospital bed and didn't care.

You learned her name when she was unconscious. Her name's Alice. When you finally faced her, curiosity was in her gaze as she said, "Hi, I'm Alice. Who are you?" You looked down as your fears were realized. She doesn't remember me. You knew it was a possibility, but you had hoped beyond hope that it wouldn't happen. "I'm Agatha, and I'm here to help you."
She gave you a sad smile as she said, "Ok, Is this for my skin or my wings?"

"What!" You hadn't even realized you had said that out loud until Alice gave you a confused look. "NO! Why would we be trying to 'fix' that?! No, you had an accident. I'm going to help you heal."

Over the next few months, you learned about how as a girl Alice had been sent to multiple doctors to try and 'fix' her. and with each story, you grew more and more sorry for what you did to her she had had a life where her powers were idolized and now she didn't remember any of that.

But you were going to make it right you would give her the life she deserved, one of love and safety. Sure, she whined at first when she could wake again, and you wouldn't let her leave, but she learned it was pointless to resist. She got everything she asked for anyway. What did she need from the outside that Agatha couldn't get for her? You were all she needed.


RavenousOwlhead OP t1_j273y8u wrote

Nice start and also loving the Hero's superhero name. The end gives me some chills. Thank you for checking out my prompt.


Worried_Picture7665 t1_j27qvfe wrote

Glad you liked it. When I thought up Alice I was thinking pink girl with wings, I could see her making demonic Qupid puns, so Love struck.

And I have an idea for Agatha's villain name being something like bearicad.

And thank you for posting the promt. It was fun to write and read for.