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Tommygunn504 t1_j27oc0j wrote

(Edit) Damn that was way longer that I wanted it to be, hope you all enjoy my short film screenplay LOL

Tommy met Isabella in his senior year of college. Tommy, the grandson of french immigrants on his dad's side, and native american mixed with Irish-Italian on his mom's side, was blown away when this beautiful, strong Italian woman approached him at a party. Dark, olive skin, legs for days, luscious black hair, she was a smokeshow. What was she doing chatting up a cajun transplant at a boring Syracuse party? It wasn't until later he learned that he unknowingly shows the body language of someone that's essentially bulletproof. The truth is, Tommy's just out of fucks to give.

After a whirlwind romance in college, Isabella brought him home with her to NYC to meet the parents. Her father introduced himself as Don, even though Tommy swore he heard the name Vincenzo just moments before.

"Ah, italians doing italian things. Won't be long before I get a nickname myself" he thought to himself.

Then, in walks Cristina, Isabella's bombshell of a mother.

"Oh my goodness, you found yourself a tall, dark, handsome italian boy, I'm so happy, welcome to the family Tommy, do you need some wine? I NEED WINE"

When she finished squeezing the life, and dignity out of Tommy, the table was set.

Isabella carried the conversation, explaining how they met, telling them Tommy was an accounting/business double major. Don's ears perked up at that notion, Tommy didn't notice a thing. In Don's eyes, this kid had ice in his veins.

Once the night had come to a close, Isabella was about to walk him out the door when Tommy asked for a moment alone with her parents. Right there in the main entrance, he looked Don in the eye and asked for his daughter's hand in marriage.

"I can't afford to fly my family out here, but you two could come down to New Orleans to see the proposal, I can show you around town, you guys can cut loose like you're teenagers again, but I won't make a move without your blessing."

He produced his great grandmother's ring, handmade by his great grandfather.

Don, for the first time in countless years as a crimelord, was dumbstruck. The clueless look on Tommy's face, the blank unblinking stare, the invincible body language, it was too much.

"Kid, you got stones like I've never seen before. I've seen racehorses down at the tracks with a smaller pair than yous. The family needs more men like you. Not only do you have my blessing, how would you like to put that shiny new degree to work? I myself am a businessman, and I have alot of room for improvement in my book keeping. Whaddya say kid?"

Tommy let out a short exhale and closed his eyes, then opened them to meet Don's.

"Sir, I'd be honored to work for you, I'd never turn down a good opportunity like this."

Cristina adjusted his vertebrae with a hug goodbye, and he was out the door.

Weeks later, after a few days of adventuring through his hometown with his soon to be fiance, Tommy got a text from an unknown number.

"We'll be there in 2 days, care to take a glance at something for your future father in law?"

A pdf file was attached.

"No problem, can't wait to see you guys". He replied.

The file was a spreadsheet, deposits, withdrawals, expenses, profits, etc etc. A few glaring issues quickly jumped out at him.

"Whoever was handling your money for this month made more than a few typos. My math is iron-clad here, there's 50k missing here according to these typos."

Don replied "Yeah, clerical errors can be a pain in the ass. I'll double check this one myself. Thanks kid."

The proposal was picture perfect. Both families gathered in Jackson Square, Isabella was too busy admiring the cathedral to notice what was going on behind her. When she turned around and her dad was standing there, she gasped in shock. When Don stepped aside, she saw Tommy down on one knee with the box open, with easily 30 familiar faces behind him.

Don paid for the whole wedding, held it on the grounds of his estate, paid for plane tickets and housed all of Tommy's family in his home, all the wine came from his own vineyard, all the food from his own farms and markets. A true self-made man, a man of honor, a man Tommy genuinely looked up to. Isabella was his baby girl, he was going to give her the wedding of her dreams, no question. The icing on the cake was how much of a liking he'd taken to Tommy. Nobody can put a price on knowing their daughter is in good hands with a person of such strong character.

The ceremony went off without a hitch, the reception was lively, all was going well. Until Isabella's uncle Bugsy showed up.

"So, this is the guy eh? This is the guy that called me a thief? The guy that thinks I'd steal from my OWN BROTHER?"

Tommy was the only person in the room too happy to give a damn about this guy.

"Bugsy, you're so close to the line right now, it breaks my heart to imagine what'll happen if you cross it. Of all days, you pick today. Of all times, you pick now." Don said.

Bugsy replied "You'd really let a stranger insult your brother this way? Place me lower than a roach or a rat? Call me a thief? A traitor? I've done bad things for a lot less than that"

Bugsy was all bravado until he turned around only to be face to face with his accuser.

"If you were handling the accounts between May and June of this year, your typos would have this man think he's 50k in the red. Just need to round up all your documentation, receipts, P.O's and invoices, and recount everything and it'll all be flush. I fat-finger my keyboard all the time man, it's not that big of a deal."

Tommy spoke with the confidence of a man with less than nothing to lose.

Bugsy was dumbfounded, temporarily paralyzed in shock at the realization of what was happening. He was caught red handed, everyone in the room saw him for what he was, except for the college graduate standing before him.

Even the countless security guards had to take their shades off and get a second look at what had just occured.

Don nodded at his men, and within seconds Bugsy was surrounded.

"We'll take him to the archives and go over the paperwork immediately sir."

"Yeah, sure, the paperwork...." Don mutered as he waved them off.

Every made man in the room, every underboss and capo, even the consigliore was sweating at this revalation. Any rivals Don had in the room that had even the smallest notion of wanting to screw him over, were now petrified.

"This Tommy fella caught a thief red handed, and had the balls to stand there and wave it off as nothing, knowing damn well it was a death sentence."

"This is some old school, Godfather type stuff here. Same hand that pats you on the cheek can be the hand that drives the icepick into your neck"

The gossip was flying around the room like fireworks. Tommy didn't hear a word of it, he just wanted to get back to dancing with his wife. So he did.....


F84-5 t1_j2813oc wrote

This is good. I think it could do with a bit more "show don't tell" but it's a solid outline.


Tommygunn504 t1_j29c67a wrote

Thanks for the critique, I'm still figuring out what "voice" would be suited for each piece I write, like is it narrated or in first person. I've been told recently I need more detail in my writing, other times too much detail. I'm glad you liked it though


F84-5 t1_j29pv1x wrote

I think the level of detail is good, at least for this kind of format. I do think it would benefit from a few more scenes with dialog in place of plane narration, but I'm not a writer myself, so do with that as you wish.


Tommygunn504 t1_j2av8bc wrote

That actually makes alot of sense. I kinda jumped ahead a few times, and I tried to shorthand some dialogue