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somedude_sleeping t1_j18etix wrote

The entire bank abruptly stopped and looked at him, tho he was also bewildered "what the hell is going on" he said tho he doubted anybody can hear him since that damned scav shot off his voice modulator, after what felt like hours of just standing there and staring a lone officer busted thru the glass-paned door and screamed "GET DOWN"

jim turned to the officer in reflex but he forgot he was holding what acquaints to a minigun, and to the officers eyes he was about to get brutally turned into swiss cheese so he started blasting jim tho that did jackass since jim was in power armor.

Jim was initially shocked but realized his mistake he dropped the gun and put his hands up,
It took a while for jim to convince the army men who had just arrived not to blast his ass into ashes but he got them to waver on not killing him.

As jim was getting loaded into the truck he just realized he traveled back in time and could potentially stop the war, tho he did not take in account the war starts in just 4 months. and considering he flopped down on a bank HEAVILY ARMOURED AND ARMED he was not getting out any time soon.