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thoughtsthoughtof t1_j6coh1j wrote

For years i had similar idea as child and some time as teen i just thought to add something like wishing the wish would come through exactly how would want/i want it to with no negative consequences i wouldn't want (not adding exact phrasing now) But yah not that long ago saw lawyer thing( so something i later regret can't happen since no negative unwanted consequences for me not just harms)


Outarel t1_j6cozet wrote

That also makes sense, like "everything needs to go good for ME, and how i would view good right now in my point of view, no harm OF ANY TIPE must come to me or the planet earth or all living creatures on the planet " but i still think a lawyer might think up something better than me.


JohnCornStarch t1_j6dfc7t wrote

Theres a flaw in that wish, right there “all living creatures” meaning the genie can bend that wish to harm every animal except for one.


Kiaider t1_j6kpxbf wrote

The only animal that I can think of that’s dead are viruses (I could be wrong, science class was forever ago) and the genie can just go right ahead and harm them further into death XD