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NicomacheanOrc t1_j5l8yj8 wrote

"Thank you, Mei, and I absolutely agree with you, this year's opening is truly stunning."

"While the ceremony proceeds, it's worth taking a moment for us all to think about the hardest achievement most of these athletes have accomplished: adapting themselves to Earth conditions. Whether it's atmospheric composition, gravity, temporal mechanics, or microbiological conditions, every single competitor today has had to strive–and win–against Earth's particular requirements. For all of them, it's a point of pride to stand tall in the place where we get the words 'air,' 'biome,' and '1-g.'"

"Thank you, Idris, that's absolutely right. What many of our viewers might not know is that reaching Olympic tolerances for competition can involve exercises that are more demanding than the sports themselves. I'm told that this year's Andromedan track star Luka Lee actually had to undergo reconstructive heart surgery at the age of fifteen to remove the extra muscle brought on by their training at the Ain Sil Sports Complex on Andromeda IV's ultradense moon. It's a real testament to their dedication that they were willing to undergo the procedure just to compete in the Olympics. Lee really put their convictions on the line as an advocate for the ongoing intergalactic peace project."

"It's a real story of courage and perseverance, Mei, and that's what the Olympics are all about. It looks like the march is concluding, so let's go now to the opening speech. Stay with us here at IGBC as the Standard Year 4023 Olympic games begin."


Ibelieveitsbutter OP t1_j5makj1 wrote

I haven't even written mine yet goodness this is dope! My only tease is wouldn't it be denominated by 4 and land on an even year ;)