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t1_j6doo7u wrote


I froze, looking over at my partner Ailis in horror. Their shoulders were hunched, a sure sign they were stressed out, and I reached out slowly in an attempt to reassure them. With a sigh I rubbed my temple and said, "Бабуся - grandmother - please. I thought we talked about this?"

The old woman glared at me from under her thick eyebrows, just a flicker of the eyes before her gaze returned to my partner. My parents stood off to the side of the living room door, seemingly trying to fade into the flower patterned wallpaper. So much for their promises of support.

"I know what is! When you told me I thought it a sick joke, that you playing a trick on your old grandmother. But this... This goes too far." She reached a knarled hand under her blouse and brought out a rosary, beginning to mumble prayers under her breath. I sucked a breath in and felt my partner tremble in the presence of the Holy item.

"Бабуся please! Put that away, you're being incredibly rude!" I cried, rushing over as Ailis fled the room. I caught a streak of pale pink running down their face as they turned away. I'd known introducing my vampire partner to my family would be difficult but I hadn't thought it would go this badly, this quickly. I felt the hair on my arms lift as I snarled in anger. The old bitch snarled back, even though she was too physically frail to shift these days.

Pulling in a breath that felt like pure electricity I stripped off my shirt and let the change come over me, my arms lengthening and legs shortening as my hands turned into paws. My parents - the cowards - only now stepped up to put themselves between me and my grandmother. I snorted at them in disgust at the idea I'd attack my own pack then turned and loped out the door. I needed to find Ailis.


t1_j6e6u64 wrote

Good read. Underworld hit hard, didn't it?


t1_j6em14m wrote

I've actually never watched the underworld films, this was totally off the cuff lol but I'm not surprised it's been done before