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BeesWithUdders t1_j659j05 wrote

This could have all been avoided had you just listened to me.

You had fair warning. It couldn’t have been clearer that there was something wrong.

Why delude yourselves into thinking you were safe when it was so blindly obvious that you weren’t? Were you scared of the truth? So frightened by the unimaginable and absurd that in your blind ignorance you inadvertently created that which you feared to be true all along.

Had you just listened to me, none of this would have happened. The morning air would be full of birdsong and happy sounds of children playing, not blaring sirens and the wailing cries of the wounded. A symphony of terrified screams echo down the narrow streets and hang in the air like a fog, dense and unmoving, clinging to clothes, slowing everything to a crawl. Run all you like; it will do you no good.

There is no escape from this hell you have created.

I gave you ample warning, yet you still chose to do nothing. All the signs were there from the very beginning, and you all chose to ignore them. The wild and aggressive mood swings. The forced isolation and reluctance to engage with the outside world. The drop in grades and academic performance. Hell, the countless empty pill bottles and bloodied razor blades, always neatly placed atop the rest of the rubbish, were surely a call for alarm, right? I made it damn obvious for you. Even simple little things like not eating or sleeping regularly should have garnered some sort of interest. Apparently not. Something more drastic was required.

How could you not see I was in distress, that I needed help? I don’t understand. Did you not love me? You always said you did but words are just that; words. If actions are truly what define us then your inaction to give a sick child the attention they require speaks volumes.

It's not like I didn’t ask for help either, because I did. You know I did but you’re all too self-centred and egotistical to have truly cared. Rejecting me, a living breathing human being, for your dumb careers or even dumber likes and follows on your performative social media lives. Too busy to pay attention to your child, your neighbour, your friend. None of you took any time to learn the truth of the situation. Instead, you stood idly by while I was consumed from within.

Look where that has led us.

Many lay dead at my feet and before the bodies begin to cool more will be added to the pile.

I will not stop until every last one of you has paid the price. Such a high cost for negligence and abandonment, but I will accept nothing less than payment in full. I will take your lives as you took mine. An eye for an eye may make the whole world blind, but that was already the case.

Even through the crescendo of screams perhaps you will be able to finally truly hear me and appreciate the orchestra of the dying as your 9th symphony comes to a deafening close.

Try ignoring me now.



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