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t1_j4w163p wrote

As the Gods talk a woman dressed in all white walks into the room.

"Are you the Archangel that was sent?" Odin asks

The woman responds with "No I am not but I am here to warn you about being the mortals call God. He is not what he says and he must be stopped"

"What do you speak of woman?" Zeus asks confused and angry

"As I said the being who calls himself God is not the real one true God of this world but a pretender, someone who tricks you all into thinking he is and if not stopped he will kill you all" The woman says

The gods didn't know why but for some reason they knew what this woman said was true. They felt that if they didn't heed this warning they would all be destroyed.

"W-who are you and what is this creature that you say pretends to be a god?" Horus asks

The woman responds "I am Sophia and this pretender goes by many names but you can call it the Demiurge."