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illiagorath t1_j5csr0t wrote

“Level 2 Since Soul Reincarnation Confirmation” the man in the white lab coat spoke into a recording device. “Here, take this pill” the man ordered. I sat up from my hospital style bed and drank down the pill with some water. I immediately became nauseous. A wave of memories flooded my mind. The memories of an entire lifetime I lived. But it wasn’t ME me, it was my past me.

After the wave finally finished and the memories stopped flooding, I was able to more accurately and systematically analyze them in my head one by one. The more I went through them, the more I felt my mind dread my own existence more and more. Until I got to the 9th memory and I couldn’t help myself from puking at the things I had only recently done. 10 years may seem like a long time, but to this level of devastation, it would be written in the history books.

I had almost no energy after that realization and dreaded acknowledgement. I was still me, the 10 year old kid that lived a fairly normal childhood all things considered. The man pulled over a machine with a tv screen on it and began wiring me up to the machine. Soon after, the tv flickered on and just as I had gone through my memories, the tv began doing the same. The man in white was intently watching along with me as my face began to go pale at the realization he will see what I just saw.

The tv flickered again. The man in white’s eyes go wide as he begins puking just the same as I had. I puked some more but it felt like nothing more could possibly come up. “General, we found him.” The man in white spoke into a walk-in talkie. I was confused and disoriented from everything I only heard what sounded like a muffled staticky 2 syllables. “Understood sir.” The man in white acknowledged. Suddenly he pulled out a gun and pointed it at my head. I connected the dots in that moment what the General ended up saying.

“Kill him.”

Level 3 SSRC

I’ve always known about my past lives since I was a baby and gained enough consciousness to make thoughts. Since taking that pill in the second stage I’ve almost always had the memories of my first and second, even at the early age of 4 years old. But surely, there’s nothing else they can do, right? They’ve had their revenge or whatever? I continued to go on through life until around 9 years old I got incredibly sick and had to go to the ER.

They cured my illness fairly quickly, but once again, a machine with a TV was brought into my room just as had been done before. I was hooked up with the cords once again. I was belligerent from them trying to see inside my head, but they subdued me and forced me to connect anyway. It was required by law apparently. My new mom and dad had no choice. I saw them all watch the tv so intently, first watching through bits of the second level, until they achieved the first level. Once again, they all began puking at the sight of the event. The nurse suggested my parents leave.

The young nurse that had been caring for me since I got in that was so nice and pleasant, suddenly turned sinister and twisted as she pulled a wire out from behind her. She pulled the wire to my neck and began pulling as hard as she could. I tried to reach out for help or to fight back but a 9 year old body can only do so much. “Sorry kid, rules are rules.” She pulled even tighter as I could hear an audible CRUNCH before everything went dark.

Level 8 SSRC

I’ve tried letting things go, I’ve tried avoiding detection as best as possible. I’ve tried going out as a normal individual without being the person I was apparently before. I still dread what I was, but now I dread what they will do to me again if I’m found out. There’s no quality for me in my existence anymore. Every time, I’m discovered again and each time, instant death. It’s been 100 or more years at this point since the event, but I know they are still looking for me. Or maybe it’s people like me. Infinite death. Every time I’m discovered, I’m killed without a second thought.

I tried to sit up against the wall behind me as the heavy rain washes over my body, blood pouring from my bullet wounds. The firefight seemed to end in a draw with everyone dying, including me at this rate. But I can’t keep my eyes open anymore.

I wake up in a smelly, damp cellar room of some sort. A man at the foot of my bed with a bucket of popcorn is staring at the same damned machine that I keep getting hooked up to. “Don’t watch.” I weakly muster up. The man looks at me with a wicked toothy smile and turns the tv my way.

“YOU did this!?” His voice piercing as it was concerningly jovial. “Damn, I wish I had the balls to do shit like this!” I look back at him with a raised eyebrow.

“You aren’t… disgusted?” I ask, confused.

“Disgusted!? Man I am IMPRESSED that I found someone as vile and impure as you were.” He turns back to the tv, stuffing his face with popcorn as he watches with an excited smile.

“So… You aren’t going to kill me?” I ask.

“Kill you?” He laughs hysterically, “I’m here to RECRUIT you!”


speedythdead t1_j5e55pd wrote

I am rather curious as to what the person did and where this story is going if you are willing to write more.


illiagorath t1_j5eb5zo wrote

I’m going to leave it to the reader’s imagination. Each person has unique ideas of what could have happened and each can likely fit into the story without changing much of the plot if I had continued writing. But I’d prefer to keep this one how it is. A nice air of mystery with a cliffhanger :)