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tesh5low t1_j3omimf wrote

** 4 **

Blau walked in, thinking that the loop reset perfectly but at the back of his mind, he had the events of the prior loop playing.As soon as he stepped through the door, the attendant pointed at him and yelled "YOU, what in the living fuck is going on? Am I going insane?....Who the fuck are you?" She keep shouting and waving her fingers at Blau.

With that he decided to step outside to reset the loop constantly until he reached the normal outcome. Alas such an event never happened. The more he entered back into the shop at every loop, the attendant grew even more into hysterics. The normal shop crowd and chef sometimes would get involved and notice but they appeared to forget after each loop.But the attendant, never stopped. At one point she threw a knife at Blau. At another she jumped over the counter and ran at him, trying to catch him.

But every loop reset at the same position for everything, she was always starting behind the counter and could not plot as the loop did not exist until Blau started it.He was puzzled. In all the lifetimes that he lived. In all the stories that he experienced through his unique stored anachronisms across his tunnel of time. In all of eternity, had he experienced such an abnormality. he couldn't exactly place the loop back in position as they way his powers worked it, he takes a snapshot of time from the multiverses and loops it onto itself.

Its just your basic physics according to string theory. Everything exists in a state on the Planck scale, so copying something before it changes to another state, gives you a moment that you can enjoy forever and forever. But this state changed. How? he wondered.He was at an impasse. He really wanted that donut but that attendant lady, the way she is would not allow him to enjoy it. He couldn't really freeze her in time as that is not how the time loop works.

He decided to explain to her hoping that she would give in an accept her fate, which was serve him the most perfect cream donut forever and ever again.

Ha, that is honestly the best solution his greedy selfish ass thought of. Bloody time gods man, they are so stuck up. Anyway back to the story.

** 5 **

He approached this loop with care. He put his arms up, showing his weirdly long fingers, removed his rainbow glasses and shouted "ATTENDANT LADY!, DO NOT MAKE ANY SUDDEN MOVES, LET ME EXPLAIN!"This caught the attention of the attendant. She was going crazy but in a moment of calm, she decided to listen to him.

The other people in the shop also turned to look at him when he walked in but they didn't matter to him as they would forget as soon as the loop resets."TALK NOW!" shouted back the attendant. "OK. ok. lets calm down a little." replied Blau."I know it seems weird...but you are stuck in a time loop." said Blau. "No shit, genius!" the attendant yelled back.Here goes nothing, thought Blau as he proceeded to explain to the attendant what was happening and how he created this situation so he could enjoy the perfect cream donut forever and ever. The attendant grew angrier and angrier in frustration as he explained the situation further to him.

When he was done, she strongly said "You ruined my life for....a....fucking....donut!" as he yanked it from the cabinet and crushed it in her hands.Blau looked in horror as the most perfect donut was being destroyed infront of him. He actually got a bit sad and ran out the door to again reset the loop.However not everytime he went back into the loop, she destroyed the donut. Sometimes she savored it infront of him. Other times she would throw it onto the ground.Over the next few millenias, everytime Blau walked in, she made sure he couldn't enjoy this tasty treat ever again.

She knew this is the only thing that she could do to punish her prisoner and hoped that one day he would find a solution to free her from her captivity.For Blau, over time, his want of this donut never faltered and he subjected himself to this torture, waiting for a sliver in time whereby she would let him enjoy the most perfect cream donut.

Who knows how this would play out. On one hand, A greedy selfish god with an impossible desire to each the most perfect donut and on the other hand, a person with infinite time to torture a god into releasing her.