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t1_j13xxc8 wrote

Yeah, 75% of all excess natural gas in the US was rerouted to Europe in March to assist the Germans, Belgians, Frence and Scandinavians build a stockpile for this winter now that they aren’t getting it from Russia.

That’s not a problem for Americans in the summer when our heating demand is low. Once winter hits however, it drives the price of the remaining gas into the stratosphere.


t1_j13zss6 wrote

Most budget billing programs cost you more (on average) over the course of a year than if you just paid your bill each month. They are intentionally designed that way to make the company offering the program money.


t1_j140136 wrote

US natural gas prices are actually lower today than they were back during the summer. That may not hold going into full winter, but through the bill for November it's definitely true.


t1_j140o76 wrote

Washington Gas filed for a rate increase in VA back in June that went into effect on Nov 26th. That shouldn't have resulted in a 300% increase (the increase was closer to 10%) but it's certainly part of it.

Take a look at your bill, it should have a breakdown on how much is from various distribution charges vs energy prices (the cost for the gas itself) which can help you see where the jump came from.


t1_j15e1mj wrote

My therm usage somehow went from 9 to 50 and they said that's normal and I haven't even turned on the heater.


t1_j1t2bxo wrote

There’s a war. We may not see it in the most harsh ways of lives lost, but this is how we put a boot in the ass of dictators and imperialists and those that decide to murder people because they think they can