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zakabog t1_j6yqxrv wrote

This is the right answer, I would also suggest u/Unnombrepls watch this video on the speed of motion by AlphaPhoenix since I always wondered the same thing about transmitting data faster than light by moving a long cylinder between two points. I knew it would be impossible, I just didn't know why it would fail (ignoring the engineering problem with creating a long enough cylinder to test this.)


swordsdancemew t1_j6z87c2 wrote

Would it be like pushing a very heavy block, where you 'pour' weight/strength into it before it starts to move? Then the furthest part and the closest part can move at the same time?


TheThiefMaster t1_j70uxmi wrote

No that's because of contact friction.

Basically at interstellar scales everything is jelly. It doesn't all move together because it squidges and bends before that could happen.