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Gwaiian OP t1_j70ob6n wrote

Wow, thank you. Apparently my ten minute deep dive into nuclear medical isotopes didn't give me all the right info to make assumptions. And as a news junkie I do recall the Chalk River shutdown. Thanks!


radioactive_dude t1_j71hut0 wrote

You're welcome. The Mo-99 at Darlington is specifically in Unit 2, which was just completely refurbished and can operate now for another 30 years. There is also lots of exciting work happening in Chalk River, just not with a research reactor. If medical isotopes interest you, check out the work with Ac-225 in Chalk River as a targeted alpha therapy for cancer treatment.


EllieBelly_24 t1_j72uz09 wrote

Tom Scott has a video talking about something similar. Iirc, he visits the lab that produces radioisotopes for a hospital, mostly focusing on the tube they use to send it down the street super fast.

I don't have a link though :(


carollois t1_j7jojd8 wrote

I believe that is at UBC. There is a lab that makes the medical isotopes and sends it to the hospital through pneumatic tubes under the ground. Very cool.