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SgtSchabing t1_j7fiqcn wrote

Laser diodes are made from a semiconducting material. We have different materials available, and the choice of material determines the colour. We have good working and widely used materials available for red and blue, but not for the space inbetween (green, yellow, cyan, orange). As someone else described, it is relatively easy to produce green from infrared. For the other colours, we do not have materials available for home consumer use. There are some, but they are not in high demand which is why they are not as cheap and widely available.


ImmortalScientist t1_j7hjs98 wrote

We absolutely do have laser diodes that can output green and cyan (520nm green diodes have been around for years, and 488/492nm diodes are newer but also avaliable), but yellow is still in a gap that we don't have any known way of making a diode for at the moment.