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EmilyU1F984 t1_j81ib1n wrote

Why not just heat sterilize it? If you do that in a pressure vessel the pressure inside your jewelry and surrounding it will be the same, and it thus won’t explode.

Also is there anything in there but the protein? Even if you introduced something, stuff won‘t be able to grow on just a single protease resistant protein snywsy.

Not like it‘s meant to be used for injection. Just needs to not go opaque right?


Natolx OP t1_j81w5ly wrote

Nothing but protein, but there is phosphate from the buffer as well.

Edit: An autoclave would almost certainly denature it. There is resistant to denaturating and then there is resistant to autoclave lol. Prions are one of the few proteins that are resistant to autoclaving and they are considered exceptions.


EmilyU1F984 t1_j83abzg wrote

Which would depend on your specific protein, and prions aren‘t that specific.

Sure globulins will be gone and other unstable protein, but since you didn‘t mention the protein.

Can just pasteurise in an autoclave as well.

No need to do 121C if you aren’t going for medical sterility. Most stuff does way earlier.

Well phosphate and protease resistant protein don‘t make up a very good growth mediums

So not much risk of colonies forming anyway.

Though got any further attempts you got stuff like propylenglykol or regular preservatives available. No use to go toxic.

Could even just use thiomersal if you still got some lying around.

But sorbic acid if acidic or parabenes if neutral to whatever if basic. That stuff works for creams that people touch daily just fine to prevent growth.

Other way round, find someone with an x ray in a lab and just use that.


Tiny_Rat t1_j81m6ud wrote

If they autoclave it, a sealed vessel will still explode, as the pressure inside the vessel and the machine will still change at different rates. Plus, killing the bacteria won't make the solution less cloudy, it will just be cloudy with dead bacteria instead of living ones. And, worst of all, heat treatment will most likely kill the fluorescent proteins anyways.


RebelWithoutAClue t1_j82asnn wrote

It could be autoclaved in a pressure cooker if the protein can tolerate the temp.

In a pressure cooker the pressure is also exerted on the outside of the ampule. No pressure differential, no kaboom.
