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RollssRoyce t1_j843tz4 wrote

I just want to add that a reason stress causes health issues is that your body shifts it's attention and energy away from systems in the body that heal, provide maintenance (as well as your immune system as mentioned above) so that it can put that energy toward things that help with fight for flight. Moreover, some of those fight or flight modes, like high blood pressure, can be harmful on their own in the long run. Short bursts of stress aren't unhealthy. It is the chronic, long term stress that wears on your body.


turbozed t1_j854er5 wrote

"Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers" by Robert Sapolsky is a great book that goes in depth about this topic.


mschweini t1_j86h9oa wrote

I haven't read the book, but I thought the connection between ulcers and stress is now considered outdated, and that the current theory lays most of the blame for ulcers on helicobacter infection?